Lawn care jobs to do this weekend - 5 key tasks to maintain your grass health

SPRING has quickly snuck up on us and with it brings garden weather, so now is the time to be assessing your lawn. Here are the five key tasks you should do now to help restore and sustain your grass health for the rest of summer.

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

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Now is the perfect time make a start lawn restoration procedures. The weather tends to be dryer, warmer, and there are more daylight hours to get the jobs done. Although it might be a bit too early to start some tasks, you can get cracking on a few problem areas that may have developed over winter - like moss growth - now, as a foundation for your summer lawn care routine.

The turbulent weather winter brings to the UK tends to do the grass no favours. As the temperature cools, so does the soil, which can stunt grass growth.

Consistently moist ground can also leave your grass susceptible to a variety of fungal infections.

You’ll know when your lawn is suffering as dry brown patches will emerge, and depending on the disease, you could see red/pink thread form on top or mushrooms shoot from the earth in the infected areas.

Luckily, there’s always a method to treat these inconveniences, and it’ll be beneficial to start pruning your lawn now to set the tone of maintaining your grass health for the rest of summer.

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Lawn mower and equipment

March is the perfect month make a start lawn restoration procedures. (Image: GETTY)

Woman watering grass

Although it might be a bit too early some tasks, you can get started on a few problem areas (Image: GETTY) compiles a ‘to do’ list from LawnSmith to help you make a start on lawn revival for spring.

Prep your lawn before the big mow by reducing worm casting

Worms in the lawn are actually a sign of good lawn health, although they can be a real irritation, as the castings can cause the turf to become muddy, slippery and unsightly.

LawnSmith said: “Though it's best to treat for worms at the first sign, they will continue to surface throughout the winter and produce muddy casts that cause mowing problems in the spring.

They continued: “Worms are beneficial in that they digest organic matter, providing nutrients and enriching the soil… they also do some valuable aeration.”

Worms in the soil

Worms in the lawn are actually a sign of good lawn health, although they can be a real irritation (Image: GETTY)

However, to reduce the worm presence and prep your lawn for the big grass mow, Lawn Smith suggests spraying the grass with Ferrous Sulphate as the most cost effective and somewhat reliable method to do so.

Treat moss with a Ferrous Sulphate-based product

There are several types of moss that grow on lawns, and they usually take a coarse, loose, green or yellowish tuft-like appearance between the grass.

In dry weather, again, using a Ferrous Sulphate-based product on the problem areas can be an effective method to kill the moss.

LawnSmith advises to do this after a medium to high cut on the lawn, as it means you won’t need to mow for a while after applying the treatment and you will have exposed hidden mossy areas.

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Lawn spike equipment for aeration

Aeration is critical for a healthy lawn - make sure to do this in heavy trafficked areas. (Image: GETTY)

Aeration and decompaction

Aeration, which, in lawn terms, is the process of poking small holes in the ground, is critical for a healthy lawn.

It provides openings for air, water, and other nutrients to easily penetrate the soil, aiding with healthy grass growth.

If the ground is firm and no frost is present or imminent, aerate your lawn in heavily trafficked areas using a garden fork or a hollow tine fork.

Light topping with the mower - use very high setting

Those who have experienced warmer, drier weather over the month might have given the lawn a mow already, but if not, a light one is suggested this weekend.

LawnSmith said: “It's doubtful if this is the start of the mowing season just yet but it does offer the opportunity to tidy the lawn and check the mower is working as it should.

They advised: “Keep the cut high, taking off just the very top.”

Start turfing jobs now

Now is a good time for any turfing jobs, as there’s more sunlight to warm the soil - and also plenty of rain to aid its growth - so add this to your ‘to-do’ list.

Make sure to apply pre-turfing starter fertiliser a few days before laying the turf down. If not, it can easily be applied within a few days of laying it.

Ensure to keep the new turf watered every day for two weeks. It can then be reduced to two to four times a week, then once a week once you reach your sixth of doing so.

April is also a fine time to be supplementing areas with grass seeds if you need to, as the weather will work better in your favour.

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