REVEALED: Why taking sugar in tea is becoming increasingly UNPOPULAR with Brits

TAKING sugar in tea is increasingly a thing of the past for soaring numbers of health-conscious Britons, according to a new report.

A simple cuppa is still the nation's favouriteGETTY / STOCK

A simple cuppa is still the nation's favourite brew, but sugar is less popular

For the latest research shows that 39 per cent of tea drinkers have now succeeded in quitting spooning the white stuff into their favourite brew.

This is up from 33per cent three years ago.

Trade magazine The Grocer said that a survey of 2,0000 consumers found that, for all the talk of herbal infusions and delicate flower teas, most Brits actually still prefer a good honest cuppa with nothing fancy.

But the study also revealed a big increase in the number of health-conscious drinkers who have ditched taking sugar in their favourite pick-me-up hot drink.

We still prefer a no-frills cuppa to fancy brewsGETTY / STOCK

Brits still prefer a no-frills cuppa to fancy herbal brews

Most of us still prefer a good, honest cuppa with nothing fancy. But that does not necessarily mean we are all happy to sup on a cup of builder's with so much sugar you can stand a spoon up in it.

The Grocer

The Grocer said: "Most of us still prefer a good, honest cuppa with nothing fancy.

"But that does not necessarily mean we are all happy to sup on a cup of builder's with so much sugar you can stand a spoon up in it.

"The same poll that revealed the majority's no-frills attitude to tea also found that the number quitting taking sugar in their tea is on the rise.

"In 2014, 33per cent of consumers told us they had quit the white stuff - this year it was 39 per cent. "

An sugary builder's tea is a thing of the pastGETTY / STOCK

An old-fashioned sugary builder's tea is fast becoming a thing of the past now

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