Mary Berry's traditional roast turkey and Christmas pud

TRIED-and-tested Christmas recipes from the nation's favourite bake.

Mary Berry, Christmas, recipe, roast, turkey, Christmas, pud, Aldo ZilliPH

So get inspired for Christmas with Mary Berry's favourite festive recipes

Hi and welcome to Saturday – usually this is the best day for shopping, but at this time of year I prefer to stay away from the big crowds and leave it to my wife, Nikki, while I stay at home with our children and cook up a storm. 

I will also be ordering my turkey for Christmas this weekend; I always order a KellyBronze from Paul Kelly. Talking of Christmas food, the recipes opposite have been taken from Mary Berry’s Christmas Collection which features more than 100 fabulous recipes and tips for a hassle-free festive season. Looking at the book 

I would suggest the brandy ice cream is the perfect accompaniment to a traditional Christmas pudding. I also love the mincemeat and apple caramel and the aubergine and goat’s cheese roast, for vegetarians. So get inspired and take a deep breath as it’s not long now! Merry Christmas everyone!


Treat your family to this delicious roast turkey

Traditional roast turkey

For the turkey:

1 × 6.3kg oven-ready turkey

About 100g butter, softened

1 lemon, thinly sliced (optional)

3 small sprigs of fresh thyme (optional)

1 onion, cut into wedges

For the lemon and thyme pork stuffing:

12.5g butter

½ small onion, chopped

225g pork sausage meat

25g fresh white breadcrumbs

Finely grated zest and juice of ¼ large lemon

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 

Leaves from 1½ sprigs of fresh thyme

SERVES: 12-15


COOKING TIME: 4 HOURS 50 MINS (plus 30 mins standing)

Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F/gas mark 7.

Loosen the skin over the breast of the turkey by slipping your fingers between the flesh and skin at the neck end, leaving the skin attached at the cavity end. Spread softened butter over the top of the breast under the skin, holding the skin up. Slip the lemon slices and thyme sprigs under the skin. The latter is a nice addition, but if time is short forget this variation.

For the stuffing, melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onion and cook gently until soft, about 10 minutes. Stir in the remaining stuffing ingredients and mix well together. Cool before stuffing the turkey. This is now ready to stuff the neck end of the bird.

Stuff the neck end of the turkey up to the breast with the stuffing. Secure the loose skin with fine skewers, or just tuck the skin underneath. Fill the body cavity with any lemon trimmings, herbs and large pieces of onion. Tie the legs with string to give a neat shape. Lightly butter the skin of the bird.

Calculate the cooking time. Arrange two sheets of foil across a large roasting tin: they must be large enough to go generously up and over the turkey breast. Place the turkey on top and, if using a meat thermometer, insert it into the thickest part of the thigh. (When cooked it will register 75º-80ºC.) Fold the sheets of foil loosely over the turkey, leaving a large air gap between the turkey and the foil.

Cook the turkey in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 160°C/320°F/gas mark 3, and continue to roast for 3½ hours, basting from time to time.

Increase the oven heat to 220°C/425°F/gas mark 7 again. Take the turkey out of the oven, turn back the foil and drain off any surplus juices from the tin into a jug or bowl. Leave in a cold place so the fat rises to the top. When the liquid is cold, take off the fat with a spoon and save the juices for the gravy.

Baste the bird, and return it to the hot oven for about 30 minutes for the skin to brown and become crisp.

When the turkey is cooked, cover the bird again with the foil, and leave to stand for 30 minutes before carving. 

Serve with sausages wrapped in bacon, giblet gravy, bread sauce, scarlet confit and apricot and chestnut stuffing.

The stuffing can, of course, be made up to a month in advance and frozen.


Create the perfect Christmas pud

Christmas pud

75g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing

450g dried fruit (use a mixture of sultanas, raisins and snipped apricots)

1 small cooking apple, peeled, cored and roughly chopped (about 175g)

Finely grated rind and juice of 1 orange

50ml brandy or rum, plus extra for flaming

100g light muscovado sugar

2 eggs

100g self-raising flour

1 level tsp ground mixed spice

40g fresh white breadcrumbs

40g whole shelled almonds, chopped

SERVES: 8-10

PREPARATION: 30 MINUTES (plus 1 hour marinating, and cooling time)


Lightly butter a 1.4 litre pudding basin. Cut a small square of foil and press into the base of the basin.

Measure the sultanas, raisins, apricots and apple into a bowl with the orange juice. Add the measured brandy or rum and leave to marinate for about 1 hour.

Put the measured butter, sugar and grated orange rind into a large bowl and cream together until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs, adding a little flour if the mixture starts to curdle.

Sift together the flour and mixed spice, then fold into the creamed mixture with the breadcrumbs and the nuts. Add the dried fruits, apple and liquid and stir well.

Spoon into the prepared pudding basin, pressing the mixture down. Cover the pudding with greaseproof paper and foil, both pleated across the middle to allow for expansion. Tie with string and trim off excess paper and foil.

To steam, put the pudding in the top of a steamer filled with simmering water, cover with a lid and steam for about 8 hours, topping up the water as necessary. To boil the pudding, put a metal jam-jar lid into the base of a large pan to act as a trivet. Put the pudding on to this and pour in enough boiling water to come one-third of the way up the bowl. Cover with a lid, bring the water back to the boil, then simmer for 7 hours, until the pudding is deep brown.

Remove the pudding from the steamer or pan and cool. Make holes in the pudding with a fine skewer and pour in a little more brandy or rum to feed. Replace paper and store in a cool, dry place.

On Christmas Day, steam or boil the pudding for about an hour to reheat. Turn the pudding on to a serving plate. To flame, warm 3-4 tablespoons of brandy or rum, pour it over the hot pudding and set alight.

food [PH]

Recipes taken from Mary Berry’s Christmas Collection (Headline, £20), photography by Martin Poole.

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Mincemeat and orange tarts - Mary Berry's Absolute Christmas Favourites

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