Man puts Red Bull under microscope and is shocked by discovery

Lots of people sip on Red Bull when they feel they need a quick pick me up, but you may not realise what lies inside the can.

By Katie-Ann Gupwell, Senior Social News Reporter

Aluminium can of Red Bull Energy drink iced Background

Lots of people don't realise what they're actually drinking (Image: Getty)

Many Brits pick up a can of Red Bull when they need an energy boost.

It's been on supermarket shelves for years, and is still a favourite among consumers. But have you ever stopped to wonder what's actually inside it?

A video has gone viral on TikTok after micromagic6 revealed what the beverage looks like when put under a microscope. When examined, you can see the liquid is formed of bubbles - some big and some small.

It was magnified 400 times so people were able to see exactly what it looks like in its natural form, and it wasn't what people expected. As for what's inside the energy drink, it actually comprises of different amounts of caffeine, taurine, B vitamins, glucuronolactone and simple sugars.

All this is mixed with a buffer solution of carbonated water, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium carbonate. In other words, it's not made from your every day ingredients.

Red Bull was created, and is owned by, Austrian company Red Bull GmbH. As of 2020, it was named the most popular energy drink in the UK.

It's also the third most valuable soft drink brand, coming in slightly behind Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Sinсe it hit shelves in 1987, over 100 billion cans of Red Bull have been sold around the world.

If you've never tried the bold beverage, you'll have probably heard of its slogan - "Red Bull Gives You Wings". The clever and catchy phrase is actually considered one of the most popular and memorable advertising slogans ever.

Since the video was shared of the drink under a microscope, many people were quick to respond. Though most appeared to learn something new, it seems as though nothing will stop many from sipping on the drink.

@micromagic6 Would you still drink Red Bull after seeing it magnified 400 times under a microscope?????????????#microscope #undermicroscope #fyp #tiktok ♬ original sound - MicroMagic6

The video has been liked over 75,000 times, and people were quick to share their thoughts too. One quipped they expected to "see wings" in the close-up of the drink.

A social media user wrote: "Those who still love it, amen." Another quipped: "So am I not getting wings from that?"

A third replied: "Wow - Red Bull is so clear." Meanwhile, a fourth also commented: "That's carbonation - it's the bubbles."

There were a few people who admitted they'd never tried Red Bull before, while others thought it looked pretty "clean". It seems it hasn't turned many people off sampling the drink.

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