Olympian Sir Chris Hoy on retirement and becoming a dad: 'I couldn't be prouder of my son'

WHAT better way to get fit in 2015 than by working out with Britain's most decorated Olympian, cyclist Sir Chris Hoy. Our writer Sarah Francis gets put through her paces

Chris Hoy and Sarah FrancisSCIENCE IN SPORT

Olympic champion Chris Hoy talks us through his health regime

January is a deceptive month. New Year equals new you - or so we are promised. 

We justify living calorific Christmases believing that come January we will experience some kind of divine inspiration to be more healthy.

We envision a month where the cold, the kids, the workload, or whatever other distractions usually lead us astray are forgotten, forcing us to kick start our summer body regimes.

This year I patiently waited for the kick to come - and it did, in the shape of Britain's greatest Olympian, Sir Chris Hoy. 

With thighs measuring a circumference of 27 inches, I was in no doubt that Chris could provide a forceful boot in the right direction.

If you're still lacking motivation, rest assured, this happens to six-time gold medal winning athletes too.

"There are times when you just can't be bothered," Chris tells me when I meet up with him for a training session at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in east London. 

"You'd rather be doing something else. That's when you have to dig deep and keep going."

Chris is living proof that this attitude works. He won won his first Olympic medal at the Athens games in 2004 and went on to collect another five before announcing his retirement in 2013. 

"At Athens if you told me I would have still be going eight years later I wouldn't have believed it," he says.

Why did he decide to quit when he did?

"I wasn't getting the results. I wasn't recovering as quickly, I wanted to end while things where still good, " he explains.

Chris Hoy and Sarah Francis using weightsSCIENCE IN SPORT

Weights help you to gain strength without bulking up

I wasn't getting the results. I wasn't recovering as quickly. I wanted to end while things were still good

Sir Chris Hoy

Fans of the cyclist thought he might take part in last year's Glasgow Commonwealth game.

But when the event came around he decided to proudly watch from the sidelines as an ambassador instead.

The Edinburgh-born sportsman admits he had expected to feel the ache of not being on the track but claims at the time he only felt "content".

Anyway, the blissful success of London 2012 would have been hard to beat.

"I didn't think anything could have been better than Athens, standing up the podium.

"But, honestly, in London up on that podium looking at the sea of faces, even then I could see my team mates and and my coach.

"That's why I was so emotional. It was just a brilliant way to end everything," he grinned.

Despite the fact it's 8am in the morning the Scot is keen to get started on our strength and conditioning session.

And, even though it's early, I can't wait to join the 'men only' area of the gym. You know the place I mean.

Hallmarks include a line of dumbbells weighing in at anything from 10kg to the equivalent of a small baby elephant, a few benches, and a mirror.

Always a mirror, because much like the falling tree in the forest, if there's no one their to see the iron burn did it really burn?

Chris Hoy on wiresSCIENCE IN SPORT

Prior to cycling competitions Chris used weights to prepare, and his diet was a vital part of his training.

"A lot of my training focused not just on the exercise but my diet," he says.

"There's an assumption that if you use protein drinks and weight train you'll suddenly look huge overnight, we are trying to dispel that myth." 

Our routine starts with stretches on a roll mat. (Only don't bother with the mat if you're Chris Hoy). We hold each gravtity defying pose for 30 seconds and then swap legs.

"When we are pushed for time stretches are the first to go but they are vital to preventing injury," Chris explains.

Next it's on to squatting with weights and resistance running. 

Using weights can help build up strength without bulking up, as it helps to reduce fat and build up overall health which in turns prevents injuries.

Chris uses SiS Whey Protein to enable quick recovery through his training, allowing his muscules to rebuild tissue.

While I'm showcasing my squat skills, now seems a good time to ask Chris about his knighthood. He smiles coyly.

"It's a privilege, such an honour but I never would demand anyone to refer to me as sir.

"Expect my wife, but that goes with at saying," he laughs.

Chris Hoy and Sarah Francis resistance trainingSCIENCE IN SPORT

Resistances training is proven to have lots of health benefits

Retirement for the 38-year-old is all about focusing on his family life.

Chris and his wife Sarra welcomed their first child, baby Callum, who was born 11 weeks prematurely last October.

What's it like being a dad?

"Sometimes I miss the peace," Chris jokes. "But he's the best thing, I couldn't be prouder. Every time I see him he's grown a bit more."

And the Scot is now able to have the odd tipple now he's not competing: "I do drink, it's great to be able to enjoy that now I've retired.

"I'm not saying having one pint will stop you from winning but you don't want to finish a race disappointed with your performance and then remember that beer you had one day.

"That was my attitude anyway."

Chris is also passionate about encouraging the next generation of athletes to take up sports: "As a sports person there is definitely a responsibility to be a good role model.

"I just hope I can inspire young people and get more people into cycling."

Chris Hoy with his arms crossedSCIENCE IN SPORT

The newly retired cyclist still has a hectic schedule as he has just become a dad

Would he like son Callum to become a sports star?

”I wouldn’t pressurise him into any sport. I’ll support him whatever he does. Whether its sport or music or whatever. The same way my parents supported me,” he says.

Being Britain's most decorated Olympian it does make you wonder how he has managed to transition into normality.

Perhaps it's his remarkable ability to stay grounded, illustrated in his decision not to enshrine his precious medals, which are instead kept in the safe hands of the bank.

“It's really boring, but they are too valuable," he explains.

"It is great when I get the chance to take them out and look at them. I still haven't taken a photo with all six of them on, I need to do that next time!”

Sir Chris Hoy is an Elite Consultant for sports nutrition company Science in Sport.

He was speaking at The Copper Box Arena for the launch of the new SiS Whey Protein, scienceinsport.com.

Chris Hoy On The Emotions Of Olympic Glory - Athlete Profiles

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