Common autumn driving condition could invalidate insurance and cause accidents

Motorists have been advised to take precautions to prevent being affected by a frustrating autumn driving condition that can lead to accidents.

Driver behind wheel of car during sunset and glare

Drivers have been urged to take care to prevent glare from the sun during the autumn months (Image: Getty)

Drivers have been warned of a common problem they may face when getting behind the wheel this autumn that could lead to serious accidents.

With shorter daylight hours and generally wetter weather, motorists can easily get stressed by the driving conditions that the season brings and should take care to avoid problems.

Now a motoring expert has revealed a major issue during the colder months - and the steps you can take to avoid getting into car-related scrapes. 

Majid Ismailzada, marketing director and motoring expert at G&M Direct Hire, suggested that one of the issues typically faced in autumn is glare from the sun. However, action can easily be taken to prevent it.

He explained: "Autumn can be a beautiful season, but it also brings with it serious driving hazards. Sun glare is a prime example, reducing visibility significantly and increasing the likelihood of accidents.

"Drivers should be proactive about maintaining clear visibility through proper car maintenance and by taking precautionary measures like using sun visors, polarised sunglasses, and regularly cleaning their windscreens."

Driver of off-roader smiles during the sunset

Some insurance companies will not pay out for accidents caused by drivers being blinded by the sun (Image: Getty)

During the autumn months, more drivers are set to travel during dawn and dusk, putting them at risk of being blinded by the sun.

Whilst drivers can easily flip down the sun visor to stop the glare, one of the most effective ways to avoid distractions is to invest in a good pair of polarised sunglasses.

These glasses use a special type of filter that can react to different lighting conditions, giving drivers a clear view of the road during sunrise and sunset.

In addition, G&M Direct Hire suggested that drivers looking to reduce the risk of sun glare should keep their vehicle's windscreen clean.

Spending a few moments with window cleaner and a cloth can help to reduce the amount of dust on the screen, which in turn can reduce visibility and emphasize glare from the sun.

Dirt on the front windscreen of a grey car

Dirty windscreens can lead to further glare and distractions caused by the sun (Image: Getty)

Motorists who do not regularly clean the windows of their car can also be at risk of a £100 on-the-spot fine if a police offer deems they do not have a clear view of their surroundings.

Majid warned that, no matter how they prepare, it is important that drivers take measures to prevent being blinded to the sun, with many insurance policies refusing to pay out for damage caused by the distraction.

He added: "Safety on the road is everyone’s responsibility. By staying alert and taking the necessary precautions, drivers can ensure that they are not only keeping themselves safe but also protecting their insurance coverage.

"This is particularly crucial now, as roads get busier during the autumn months, with school terms underway and holiday travel soon approaching."

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