Supermarket bag tax to cost homes £1.5bn 'and a bag for life could kill you'

THE supermarket 'bag tax' takes effect in England today and is set to cost households hundreds of pounds over a lifetime - but will fail to meet its environmental aims, say campaigners.

man annoyed with bill, and supermarket bagsGETTY

The supermarket bag tax is coming in on

Fears have also emerged that it could lead to a spike in bacteria that can cause food poisoning, including potentially deadly E. coli, as scientists have discovered germs can easily transfer between reused bags and linger on them long enough to cause illness.

All large retailers are required to add 5p for each plastic bag on to shopping bills from Monday when a customer forgets to bring enough of their own bags or boxes to carry home shopping.

The charge sounds small but will add up to rinse families of £1.5billion over ten years, found the Taxpayers Alliance.

Based on average carrier bag usage shoppers are set to pay for 166 bags a year at a cost of £8.32, separate research by found.

Almost one in five could be hit with the fee because they didn't realise the rules were changing, said the site.

Each family is expected to pay out £83.20 on average over ten years as a result of the new law, or £416 over fifty years, at a time when many are already struggling with the cost of living.

Repeated grocery bag use has been linked to bacteria spreadGETTY

Repeated grocery bag use has been linked to bacteria spread

Worse still, academics have discovered there is a potential health risk associated with constantly reusing bags.

It was reported in 2012 that following a bag tax in San Francisco there was a spike in bacteria-related deaths, including from E. coli.

Professor Anthony Hilton, Head of Biological and Biomedical Science at Aston University, claims that without understanding the need to restrict different bags for different uses, shoppers increase their chances of contamination from a range of bacteria.  

He said: “Reusing plastic bags is hugely beneficial to the environment but the public should be mindful of the ability of bacteria to contaminate and survive on bags for long periods of time.

"Bacteria can easily transfer from different types of reuseable bags to the hands and back again. What is more, using the same bag repeatedly for different purposes increases the risk of contaminating the bag with a whole host of harmful bacteria.”

Professor Hilton and his research team undertook a study of three different types of bag.

They investigated the ability of bacteria to survive on the bag and also the ease of transfer of bacteria from the skin to the bag, and the bag to the skin.  

You could have less in your wallet and more sick days now bag tax is in forceGETTY

You could have less in your wallet and more sick days now bag tax is in force

Laboratory experiments revealed that:

*One million cells of Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria commonly found on the hands but which can cause illness, when placed on the bag survived over eight weeks and took 16 weeks to disappear completely

*One million E. coli cells, known to cause diarrhoeal infection and even death in some cases, survived 48 hours before becoming undetectable – enough time to cause illness

*Up to 23% of bacteria on plastic bags could be transferred in a single touch to hands

Professor Hilton added: “What is important is that the public understand the potential health risks, and think about which bags they are using for which purpose.

"For example, carrying fresh meat brings with it known contamination risks and if you then use the same bag for carrying ready-to-eat foods such as cheese or bread there is the potential for cross-contamination. Likewise, if you carry sports shoes one day and then shopping the next.

“In our study, the handles of in use bags were found to have bacteria typically found on the skin, however inside the bags, there was a much more diverse range of bacteria, some which are associated with human disease.

"Clearly the microbial community of the bag is representative of what is carried in it.”

morrisons shopper with longlife bags and plastic bagsGETTY

Shoppers need to make sure they bring enough longlife bags for all their shopping to avoid the charg

The legislation has also been criticised as poorly targeted and being unlikely to create a green benefit.

Plastic bags account for just 2 per cent of household waste, shows research.

And the so-called 'single use' bags are often re-used around the home as bin liners, for example.

Now families are set to pay an extra £348million over ten years on even more resource intensive bin liners and bags for life, meaning the green benefits are questionable, according to the Taxpayers Alliance.

The charge also opens the door for incremental cost increases - heaping more costs on to consumers - as happened in the Republic of Ireland, said the consumer body.

The Treasury is already tipped for a £70million windfall from additional VAT takings thanks to the added 5p charge.

plastic bags GETTY

The Government hopes to cut down on shoppers' use of plastic bags

Mr Isaby added: "Taken together with the minimal benefits for the environment and the potential for the charge to increase over time, this appears to be a very ill-considered policy which will fail to achieve its stated aims.

"Taxpayers can only hope that the Government will review this scheme sooner rather than later and conclude that there are other, more effective ways of helping the planet without burdening consumers and retailers with unnecessary costs and regulations."

Thanks to exemptions the new law is also tipped to create a lot of confusion - and long lines - at the tills.

Items that qualify for a free plastic bag, include uncooked fish, meat and poultry products, unwrapped blades, “live aquatic creatures in water”, flowers, bulbs, potatoes and prescription drugs, according to

However, if one non-exempt item is placed in the bag with an exempt item, cashiers must still charge 5p.

Hannah Maundrell of said: “Saying farewell to free carrier bags may sound like a simple change for the good of the environment but when you look beneath the surface the new ruling is a minefield for shoppers and checkout staff alike.

"The intricacies that dictate when shoppers should and shouldn’t be charged for a bag are overly complicated so I wouldn’t rule out checkout chaos next Monday."

tesco plastic bagGETTY

Plastic bags account for 2 per cent of household waste, according to research

Jonathan Isaby, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "This plastic bag charge is to all intents and purposes a shopping tax which will add more to the cost of living for families throughout England.

"Politicians rightly identify the cost of living as a huge concern to people, yet seem oblivious to the irony that their own actions are adding to the burden.

"This is yet another example of a well-intentioned yet badly-thought out proposal which is being introduced without considering the full cost implications for consumers."

Voluntary efforts between 2006 and 2009 resulted in a 48 per cent reduction in plastic bag use in England, suggesting that punitive, government-imposed solutions are unnecessary, according to the Taxpayers Alliance.

Around half of people already say they 'always' take shopping bags with them when they do food shopping, a further third sometimes take them, found

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