The 'biggest mistake' you can make online which could leave you hit by scam

Experts are sounding the alarm over the millions of pounds which is being lost to identity theft scams online.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

TV Licensing offer advice on avoiding scams

Recent analysis of Google data by Veriff found that queries regarding social media and messaging platform hacking made up 80 percent of most searched results. Queries over Facebook and Instagram hacking scams exceed 7,000 searches in the UK per month. In light of this, experts are sharing what Britons should look out for to avoid falling victim to these criminals.

Veriff’s breakdown of Google searches between May 2021 and April 2022 found that scams on social media are becoming a growing concern.

People in the UK were more than 53 times more likely to search for results on ‘Instagram hacked’ than they were ‘bank account hacked’.

This is despite there being a greater risk of financial fraud that comes with having your bank account hacked.

In Manchester alone, Veriff discovered 257 searches per 10,000 residents for identity theft queries over the 12-month period.

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Woman upset and scammer

The 'biggest mistake' you can make online which could leave you hit by scam (Image: GETTY)

Notably, the city has reported £50.3million in losses to all types of fraud over the past 12 months according to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau.

With Britain in danger of losing millions more to these scams, experts are giving advice as to how people can better look after their identity online.

Munna Poddar, a senior product manager of Fraud Prevention at Veriff, addressed some of the “biggest mistakes” the public makes when it comes to falling for scams.

Speaking exclusively to, Mr Poddar said: “One of the biggest mistakes people can make online is to give their personal information out in unsafe places.


“It’s important that people are aware of who can view the information they are sharing online. It’s even more important when sharing information which is highly sensitive.

“There’s no harm in double-checking how you landed on the website. Were you directed there from an email or text?

“Was it the usual correspondence for that site? Is it secure with a padlock in the URL? Does it say ‘https’ rather than ‘http’? If you’re ever in doubt, it’s best to not enter any personal information.”

The fraud expert noted the rise in phishing scams as being an issue of great concern when it comes to the proliferation of scams on social media.

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Scam warning

Scams are on the rise (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Phishing, when fraudsters trick victims into parting with their cash through false pretences, made up more than half the top ten identity theft search results on Google.

He said: “Another big mistake people make when using the internet is to click or respond to phishing scams.

“If you ever receive an email asking for sensitive information, always double-check through another route of communication and remember that banks specifically will never ask for your information this way.”

Despite concerns over online safety, the scam expert highlighted that a great deal of support is available to those who have been targeted.

Mr Poddar added: “If you have been targeted then the police, specifically Action Fraud, should always be informed, they are best placed to deal with these situations and the more they learn about these sorts of attacks the better we can all work together to reduce the risks of these crimes happening.

“You can also reach out to Experian if your credit score has been affected and they will help to rectify this.

“There are multiple charities which can also help alongside many internet forums which can offer support.

"It’s often comforting to know that these things have happened to others and you aren’t alone in this.”

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