Universal Credit payment date changes take place next month - check if you're affected

PEOPLE relying on Universal Credit and other benefits may not receive their money on their usual date next month, due to a temporary change in payments.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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June 2 and 3 have been set aside as bank holidays, as the country prepares to celebrate the . Because of this, benefit payments due on these dates will temporarily be paid on different dates.

The Platinum Jubilee marks 70 years on the throne for Queen Elizabeth II, making her the first monarch in UK history to celebrate this anniversary.

The momentous occasion sparked two bank holidays, giving Britons a four-day weekend in the first week of June. 

However, this also means slight disruption for those expecting benefit payments on these dates. 

Banks, building societies, and offices generally close over bank holidays, meaning that these benefit payments would not be feasibly made on the usual dates. 


Man calculating when to expect his next benefit payment

Usual payment dates will resume in July (Image: GETTY)

People expecting payments on the bank holidays can expect their money on June 1 instead. 

People expecting their benefits before or after the long weekend will not be affected. 

This is a temporary change to payment dates due to the long weekend. 

Similar to the changed payment dates around Easter and Christmas, when bank holidays interfere with usual procedures. 


Platinum Jubilee events

June 2 and 3 have been set as bank holidays to accommodate Platinum Jubilee events (Image: EXPRESS)

The benefits expected to be affected include:

  • Child Tax Credits
  • Working Tax Credits
  • Child Benefit
  • Employment Support Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payments
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Pension Credit. 

The amount that people receive from their benefits will not change because of the shifted payment dates.

Britons have been advised to properly budget during this time, as they will have to wait a few days more than normal for their August payment due to the earlier payment in June. 

payment dates differ with each individual claimant as it is paid in arrears. 

One’s first assessment period starts on the date that they make their claim and lasts one calendar month. 

If the claim is successful, they will usually receive their first payment seven days after the end of their first assessment period. 

From then on, their Universal Credit will be paid on this date every month. 

For example, if a person claims on May 1, their first assessment period will end on May 31.

They will receive their first payment on June 7, and the seventh of each month after that. 

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