New salary calculator shows where in world Britons could be earning almost double

AS THE COST of living worsens, with many families concerned about their financial future, some are looking abroad to find the answers.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Cost of living crisis: Charity worker reveals real-world stories

Britons have less disposable income, after paying necessities and taxes, now than they did during the 2008 financial crisis. Global crises are mostly to blame for this impact, from the pandemic and worsened by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but are there other countries that could see Britons living a more lavish lifestyle?

An estimated 5.5 million Britons currently live abroad, leaving the UK at an estimated rate of 2,000 per week, according to iexpats.

Unfortunately, this economic turbulence does not appear to be nearing an end, with inflation expected to breach eight percent before the end of the year. 

For many thinking of emigrating, the biggest question is usually: Is the grass actually greener on the other side?

While there are lots of factors to consider, international insurance company William Russell has endeavoured to try answer this question with their salary calculator.


Woman working on a beach

Having a high salary and high cost of living leaves workers with the same level of disposable income (Image: GETTY)

They have conducted intensive research on average salaries in the 38 OECD countries for 36 different job titles.

Now, utilising what they have found, Britons can check here if they could be earning more abroad. 

However it is not just income that should be considered when planning to move abroad, as the cost of living crisis has not just impacted the UK. 

Across the 36 job titles, the UK salary averaged at £35,302 and while this was not in the top 10, it was also nowhere near the bottom. 



Woman working abroad

Switzerland had the highest cost of living with a comparative price level of 142 (Image: GETTY)

The five highest salary averages were:

  • Switzerland - $92,607 (£71,230.95)
  • America - $68,694 (£52,801.99)
  • Norway - $64,321 (£49,440.66)
  • Denmark - $63,131 (£48,525.96)
  • Japan - $58,872 (£45,252.26).

Comparatively, the five lowest average salaries belonged to the following OECD countries:

  • Turkey - $5,849 (£4,495.86)
  • Colombia - $11,161 (£8,578.96)
  • Mexico - $11,229 (£8,631.23)
  • Hungary - $12,785 (£9,827.25)
  • Greece - $15,154 (£11,648.20).

In comparison, the UK ranked 14 in cost of living with a comparative price level of 105 while the average salary ranked 18 highest.

While earning an average salary over £70,000 per year sounds like an idyllic situation, it’s worth keeping in mind the varying costs of living in these countries.

William Russel also analysed data to reveal the most and least expensive of the 38 countries to live in on average.

Turkey, Colombia and Mexico had the lowest cost of living, a probable reasoning behind their seemingly absurdly low average salaries. 

Comparatively, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland had the highest cost of living. 

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