Britons could slash bills through simple direct debit switch - 'spread the cost'

AS THE COST of living continues to bite, Britons could scrap pennies and pounds with five unique tips, including how to better manage their TV licence fee.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Cost of living crisis 'unacceptable' says QT audience member

Britons have less disposable income now than during the 2008 financial crisis, framing just how tough affording the daily expenses has become. Insurance expert Catherine Grayson shares five ways Britons could effectively manage their money and save much-needed pounds.

April looks to batter household budgets as the and energy discount offers some potential relief. 

However, having effective money management could save Britons from tipping over the edge into poverty. 

Ms Grayson, from A-Plan Insurance, shared her top tips for money management on five different expenses that could help households keep crucial pounds in their pockets. 

TV Licence

The current fee has been frozen for the next two years at £159, and while this will save Britons in the long-term, many are concerned with their current finances. 


Woman looking at bills

Spreading out payments can help Britons manage the impact of the cost of living crisis (Image: GETTY)

Ms Grayson noted that this fee can usually not be reduced for ordinary Britons that don’t qualify for , but switching payment methods could help. 

She shared: “It may be easier to pay this using a direct debit over 12 months. This will automatically renew and therefore this stops any risk of breaking the law.

“If you choose to pay this through direct debit, for the first six months you may have to pay £26.50 before it rolls onto a 12 monthly bill of £13.25 a month.”

Council tax

Households in bands A to D will receive £150 this month, with Britons paying their tax through direct debit should receive it automatically. 


Woman looking at bills

Households bills are expected to rise dramatically this month due to the increased energy price cap (Image: GETTY)

Those using other payments should expect their local council to contact them with details of how they can claim the rebate. 

as well, but Ms Grayson highlighted spreading the cost of this pricey expense could benefit Britons.

She shared: “Currently, many people pay their council tax manually or over 10 months as this structure may suit the council. However, you are perfectly entitled to spread this over 12 months as this will avoid 10 high payments and then two months with no cost.”

Insurance premiums

Ms Grayson commented: “It may be helpful to know that you no longer need to pay your insurance premiums in one lump sum. 

“It can really help to keep on top of your finances to spread this cost out to monthly payments and to avoid strain on any other areas of your budget.”

She also noted doing this can also improve one’s credit score.

Car tax

Ms Grayson suggested Britons switch to regular direct debits to pay their car tax rather than heading to the Post Office. 

She explained: “You can simply go to the Government’s official website to complete this online within minutes.

“This will log your MOT and insurance which leaves you only needing a reminder letter that contains a 16-digit reference number. 

“It is a completely simple process, and the payments will then roll over to ensure no breach of the law occurs.”

Utility bills

April has also seen the Ofgem price cap rise by almost £700, a devastating blow for many households with more increases expected due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

Ms Grayson shared: “After this price kicks in, spreading the payments can help and you can do this by contacting your provider.

"You may not be aware but, depending on circumstances, most have schemes that cap the bill at under £100."

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