'Inflation is heading to 10%!' Rishi Sunak urged to be 'clear' about impact on families

CHANCELLOR Rishi Sunak is due to give his spring statement on Wednesday, but hopes for support being provided to British households hang in the balance.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Robert Halfon MP appeals to Rishi Sunak for fuel duty cut

With inflation skyrocketing, the energy price cap rising and expected tax rises, household budgets are being strained in every direction. Financial experts from across the sector have weighed in on what Britons could expect and how it will hit their pockets.


Inflation has hit the highest rate in recent memory, with projections now reaching even higher due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a conflict which will hammer the economy in more ways than one. 

Economist and Cambridge University lecturer Patrick Reid added that if the conflict didn’t see a de-escalation soon oil prices could likely reach $200-$260 (around £151-£196) in the next six months, which could be a devastating blow for households already being plunged into fuel poverty due to the price cap rise. 

He also shared a stark warning noting he was “very concerned” that the UK is on the path to the worst economic recession since the 1970s, adding that there are “difficult days ahead”. 

Mr Reid believes the Government is underplaying the severity of the inflation situation, noting that “all markers indicate the UK will go into recession, most likely Q1 or Q2 next year. The 2023 recession will be the worst the UK has faced since the 1970s”. 

He added: "Forget seven percent inflation projections. Inflation is heading to 10 percent in the next three months, and could go well beyond this - potentially reaching as high as 15 percent in the next 12-18 months. The impact could take years to overcome."

Rishi Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is due to give the Spring Statement on March 23 (Image: GETTY)

While the ONS has reported that the real value of wages in the UK have actually dropped by one percent, meaning the same paycheque can buy one percent less than it did before, Mr Sunak has taken to looking on the bright side as unemployment has been falling with a stronger jobs market return than many predicted post-pandemic. 

However, Mr Reid cautioned: “This is disingenuous, and another example of the Government not being clear enough with the public about how difficult the next two years will be economically. Better financial education leads to better outcomes for individuals and society, and Rishi must now be completely honest and clear about the real state of our economy, and what it means for both business and families.”

National Insurance 

The National Insurance tax rise by 1.25 percent will see wages hit before they even make it into earner’s pockets. 

Colin Abrahams, partner at MHA, said the increase should be deferred for at least a year in light of the current economic situation.

He commented: “Amid the escalating cost of living and inflation crises, the Chancellor must seriously consider deferring the proposed hike in National Insurance, due to come into force in April, and reassess the position in next week’s increasingly important Spring Statement.”


Rishi Sunak

Since the Autumn Budget the economy has seen a range of unexpected changes (Image: GETTY)

While it may not be the answer to the nation’s financial concerns, Mr Abrahams highlighted it would provide “much-needed financial respite in the short term” adding that Treasury could benefit from this tactic. 

He said: “One should not forget that in an inflationary climate with higher wage increases being negotiated, the Treasury stands to benefit significantly, in any event, from the planned freeze of personal tax allowances and income tax thresholds.”

Cost of living

The rising cost of living sparked a surprise announcement from Mr Sunak in February, sharing his multibillion pound support package for households consisting of a council tax rebate worth £150 and an energy discount loan worth £200 which will be paid back over the coming years. 

Financial experts at Quilter suggest that Mr Sunak will largely focus on the cost of living crisis in the statement and how Government can help lighten the burden for society’s most vulnerable. 

Shaun Moore, financial planning expert at Quilter shared that due to the conflict in Ukraine, and the growing energy costs as a result, the Chancellor needs to enhance these relief measures.

He commented: “Without further measures, we could well face a summer of discontent, particularly with a further increase in the energy price cap expected in October. So, expect some form of government action to be announced during the Statement.

“One option would be to expand the previously announced energy support package. The measures already announced cover around half the increase in domestic energy costs, so if the Chancellor wanted to expand the scheme to offset half the £43billion increase in costs, it would cost an additional £12.5billion, on top of the £9billion already announced.”

Mr Moore noted that this route would be “extremely expensive” and may not even reach the households most in need.

He shared an alternative: “Instead, the Chancellor may uprate benefits by an amount greater than the 3.1 percent currently pencilled in. The IFS estimates this would cost an additional £9billion for the exchequer. Moderately cheaper and more targeted, but middle-income households may feel they’ve been left out in the cold.”

“A final option could be to look at VAT on energy supplies, including fuel. The IFS estimates that reducing VAT down to zero on domestic fuel would be £2.4billion, so a significantly cheaper option, but it would be very broad-brushed and not targeted. The Chancellor has already ruled out a reduction in VAT on energy bills for precisely that reason.

“No choice is easy, and no choice is cheap. Whichever option the Chancellor chooses, it will not completely offset the increase in energy costs. Expect political tensions to rise considerably over the following months.”

Other predicted changes

Dominic Bourquin, corporate tax partner for MHA Monahans, believes that interest rates will increase again by the end of the year as a way to control rising inflation, which will undoubtedly be met with “large-scale criticism”. 

He also noted “it wouldn’t be any surprise” to see cuts made elsewhere such as a pause on the National Insurance increase and Health and Social Care levy. 

Even with all of the suggested changes, it may not be enough to help households stay in the green throughout the cost of living crisis, with those most likely to fall into debt being the most vulnerable too.

Craig Wilson, head of private sector at Sopra Steria, advocated that more action needs to be taken to help identify these vulnerable groups and support them by creating clearer regulation for Buy Now Pay Later schemes and debt management. 

“More and more people are having to choose between heating or eating every day. UK personal debt is on the rise as consumers increasingly turn to Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) schemes and credit card loans to make ends meet."

He shared: “The debt management system today is largely unregulated. Instead of helping people get out of their debt cycle quickly, vulnerable consumers are unknowingly plunged into more debt due to late payments and extra charges on their borrowings.

“Lenders and service providers like energy companies and credit providers can do more to protect consumer’s financial posture, which in turn will secure a better economic outlook for Britain. Start by assessing each individual financial health and life circumstances. Provide options to better manage their repayment terms. Limit how much they can borrow to avoid giving people a false sense of security, which could lead to further financial distress.”

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