‘Few financial solutions’ for savers: Six ways to keep savings alive during cost of living

AS COSTS rise on all fronts, savers might be overlooking simple ways to keep money in their pockets.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Pensions and savings: Interactive Investor expert gives her advice

money has been a priority for many during the pandemic but as normal life gets underway with prices far higher than pre-pandemic, savings may take a backseat for many. However, Michael Wilkinson, co-founder of social finance app EVERYTHING shares six hacks.

As Gen Zs graduate and become a larger part of the working population, Mr Wilkinson noted: “There are few financial solutions made specifically for them - in fact, they’re the most financially underserved generation”.

This is despite being a technologically inclined generation with a surprising knowledge on personal finance. 

Mr Wilkinson shared six ways he hoped would help Gen Zs specifically achieve their financial goals and overall financial health during 2022.


One of the most common  pieces of personal finance advice is to budget yet very few actually take on this simple task.


Gen Z checking their finances

Gen Z currently make up almost a third of the global population (Image: GETTY)

Mr Wilkinson advised focusing on the following when drawing up a budget:

  • Average outgoings
  • Average incomings
  • What is money being spent on
  • Where could money be instead
  • What can be afforded going forward.

Subscription cuts

More than one in four Britons are subscribed to at least one subscription box with the number of subscriptions being taken on each year only increasing.

However, often during the quick transition between school, university and working career, it can be difficult to keep track of the number of subscriptions one racks up. 


Man looking at an investment graph

A recent study showed Gen Z's are 3 times more likely than Baby Boomers to invest in digital assets (Image: GETTY)

Mr Wilkinson added that savers could look for apps such as EVERYTHING or Snoop which can help to manage and cut these loose ends. 

He noted: “You may be surprised which one’s you forgot you’re still paying for, or realise some aren’t worth the extra cash! Remember, every pound you save adds up, and at the end of the month this could be a fair chunk. Add up the annual total and see which ones are worth the pennies.”

Keep savings separate

A common mistake in personal finance is to only save the amount of money left in one’s bank account at the end of the month. 

This savings strategy is unreliable and frankly unsustainable, which is why Mr Wilkinson advised savers keep their nest eggs separated from their spending money from the start. 

He shared: “Once you’ve planned out your budget and know how much you might be able to stash away each month, you can then set some savings goals and put money aside. It works best if you have some clear future goals for the savings, like a holiday, a car or if you’re really lucky a house. Be realistic about how much you can spare each month without dipping in and stick to it.”

Buy used

At a time when the price tags in high street shops are almost enough to break the bank, savers could be far better off looking for alternatives such as second-hand items.

Apps like Depop, reGain and By Rotation were advised by Mr Wilkinson as they enable savers to get second-hand items without having to leave their couch.

Settle debts then save

Often people will try to pay all of their monthly expenses, put money towards their debts and all in one paycheque, which can be incredibly stressful. 

Mr Wilkson noted that savers should start by paying outstanding debts first, working from highest interest payments to lowest. 

He said: “There’s no point stashing money away to collect the interest if you’re losing the same, or more, on money you owe.”


While the general market does not appear to be in favour of the consumer, it is worth noting that this doesn’t mean shouldn’t shop around and compare. 

Mr Wilkinson explained: “There are so many new banks and financial services emerging, so shop around! Find a financial partner that works hard for you and your money and suits your needs.”

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