‘Never been a better time’: Seven ways to get your finances under control

AFTER a turbulent two years, consumers could potentially miss the perfect opportunity to turn things around, finance analyst shared seven ways to figure it out.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Michael Copeland on personal finances and social care

As the new year rolls onwards, many might find themselves picking up the pieces of their last new year budgets. Charles Stanley’s chief analyst Rob Morgan shared seven ways investors, savers and consumers can get 2022 on the road to success.

Consumer spending, economic stability and inflation over the past year have produced worrying numbers but as the world gets to grips with what a post-pandemic world might look like it may be the perfect time for people to get their finances back on track. 

Mr Stanley shared his seven methods for new year financial success. 

Define goals

Many new year resolutions fail because they are broad and vague, simply "saving money" or "earning more" is not a clear enough goal for individuals to actually work towards.

Fleshing out these goals, both short term and long term, can help one realise what it is that they actually want to achieve and potentially reveal ways they can do so. 

Mr Stanley added: “Are you saving for a rainy day, to get on the property ladder, a holiday, or your retirement? Having an idea of what you would like to save for will spur you on to save more and set about reaching your goals.”

Man reading a newspaper

The new year presents a good opportunity for consumers to revisit their financial goals (Image: GETTY)

Watch out for the investment gap

The investment gap is essentially the difference in wealth between those that keep their savings in cash and those that invest it. 

In recent years, as inflation continues to rage, cash savings are starting to seem more redundant as they lose value over time. 

However, Mr Stanley noted that having cash on hand it still vital, as the pandemic showcased, in case of emergencies. 

He added: “But for longer term goals of five years or more it’s worth considering investing. Interest rates are exceptionally low at the moment, and a long way short of rises in the cost of living. 

“Over the long term having more of your wealth invested rather than in cash can help you preserve the spending power of that money and help you meet your goals.”


A desk with piles of papers, coins and a calculator

Investors are advised to check on their portfolios to ensure they are still optimised after 2021 (Image: GETTY)

Utilise tax-efficient savings

With multiple tax increases on the horizon, savers have been cautioned to utilise every tax-free advantage and opportunity made available to them. 

Mr Stanley explained some tax-efficient options savers should consider: “Most people can receive extra money every time they pay into their pension pot through tax relief. 

“Taking advantage of the tax benefits of a stocks and shares ISA by using as much of your £20,000 allowance as possible can also make a difference and offer more attractive returns than a regular cash savings account. While the end of the tax year seems a long way off, now could be a good time to start planning ahead to ensure you beat the deadline of April 5 to use this tax year’s allowances.”


Diversification is a recommended investing strategy that works by spreading one’s investments across a range of different industries and asset types. 

This helps to subside any negative effects if a single industry collapses or if a single asset type tanks. 

Although, it must still be noted that every investment has capital at risk and no return is guaranteed. 

He said: “With a surge in markets since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, this may be particularly relevant for investors this year.

“Rapid appreciation in some areas can mean a portfolio becomes imbalanced and more risky by stealth. Taking some profits and topping up with a little of what has done badly can help keep your portfolio balanced."

Stay focused

With any goal dedication, commitment and focus is key, and investing is no different. 

Mr Stanley explained: “Ignoring short-term market ‘noise’ to keep focused on a long-term investment strategy can be hard. But short-term declines should not detract from the potential of riskier assets to help meet longer term goals. Markets are unpredictable and allowing emotions to drive investment decisions rarely serves investors well.

Re-appraise choices

For those who already have their investment portfolio up and running, Mr Stanley advised that they re-examine their funds to ensure it’s still aimed towards investments that will meet their goals. 

He added: “Another route is aiming to pick funds with a reasonable chance of long term outperformance. ‘Active’ funds try to beat their benchmarks, though there are no guarantees they will do so and they often come with higher charges than passive funds. Active managers need to justify their higher charges by being sufficiently differentiated from simple, low-cost trackers – usually by holding a significant amount in stocks that are different to the large ones in the index.”

Get help if needed

Finances are complicated, and beginners stand the chance of potentially making costly mistakes. However, there is assistance available to those who need it. 

Mr Stanley advised consumers look to financial advisors for assistance: “Whether you have a specific question about your finances or looking for someone to help you create a holistic financial plan, a financial advisor can help you.”

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