Man, 28, spots six-figure gap in the market after deadly MRSA infection

AFTER contracting MRSA and facing potential amputation of his leg at only 21-years-old, ex-footballer Ben May, now 28, created a business from his bedroom which is set to turnover £500,000.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Entrepreneur Holly Tucker recalls ‘risking it all’

In recovery from the deadly super bacteria, Mr May had his confidence knocked as his skin was green and covered in blemishes from the strong antibiotics. Six years after his brush with death, Mr May’s skin supplement range is set to rake in £500,000 in its fourth year of business.

In 2015, Mr May was top of his university football team with a bright future ahead of him when a routine knee operation left him fighting for his life for three months. 

Losing three stone in the first two weeks of his fight, Mr May would undergo eight operations and was told doctors may have to amputate his leg to save his life. 

During his final operation, 18 months after his original knee procedure, it seemed that the health scare was over and Mr May, who was previously chasing a corporate career in banking, had a renewed perspective on life. 

He commented: “Everything I had at that point had been taken away from me - my good health, my ability to play sport, my university degree which I had to put on hold. 

“It was an emotionally and mentally difficult time for myself and my family and the lowest point in my life.”

Ben May showing his products in Superdrug

Skin Woof is now available both online and at Superdrug stores around the country (Image: Ben May)

At the end of his medical journey, Mr May discovered that the antibiotics used to fight the resistant bacteria had some horrible side effects on his self confidence: turning his skin greenish and covered with blemishes.

After trying numerous dermatological products, he began to learn which products and ingredients worked and which didn’t.

“I didn't believe there was a skin supplement brand that stood for something greater than the ingredients of the products themselves. Many of the other brands had medicinal packaging and did not utilise social media to communicate with consumers.”

Inspired to use this knowledge to help others who had gone through a similar difficult time, Mr May founded Skin Woof in August 2017, working with a range of medical professionals, Mr May’s products are designed to promote healthy skin. 


He explained that he had considered going into entrepreneurship before, and the realisation of his own mortality pushed him to take the chance: “I knew from a young age that at some point I was going to start a company - the question was when. I probably started Skin Woof a little earlier than I anticipated starting my first company. 

“However, a combination of having a serious health scare in my early 20s, meeting a number of successful entrepreneurs and the booming beauty supplement market opportunity meant I took the leap. 

“I thought if something like that can happen in the healthiest and fittest days of my life I might as well go for it when I am feeling better.”

Mr May still worked a number of part-time jobs in order to pay his bills while he launched his first range of supplements from his childhood bedroom.  

Ben May posing with Skin Woof products

After a near-death experience at 21, Ben May decided to create his own range of skin supplements (Image: Ben May )

Starting with a £15,000 start-up loan, Mr May shared that Skin Woof is now on track to bring in £500,000 revenue without any external investment in the business. 

Now, his ever-expanding range of products has been stocked at Superdrug stores across the nation and was named the number one new beauty supplement at the Pure Beauty Awards in 2020 and 2021. 

The 28-year-old added that he would never consider leaving his business for a traditional career path, saying: “I've caught the entrepreneurial bug now. Through all the highs and lows I wouldn't change it. 

“Plus I have spent such a long time out of traditional work, now I am probably unemployable!”

He noted that being a successful entrepreneur has allowed him to impact hundreds of thousands of lives, and advised that: “If you focus purely on the financial rewards from the start, you may lose motivation to keep going as there will always be ups and downs. 

“I get a massive kick when a customer contacts us telling us how much they love our products and how they have helped them in their lives.”

He also advised that any aspiring entrepreneurs should be “eternally optimistic” even when they get met with the inevitable hurdle. 

“If you can't solve a problem yourself, you can find and contact someone to solve that problem for you. There is always a solution to every problem even if you have to think outside the box,” he concluded. 

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