10 simple ways to boost your income today, next month and next year

INCREASING one's income quickly and substantially doesn't have to mean taking on an unreasonable number of side hustles or selling organs on the black market.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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31 percent of Britons live paycheque to paycheque and many more don’t have nearly as much as they should in savings. Employment website Indeed shared some of the best ways to increase income in the short and long term. 

Now, the first thing to note is the fact that there are different ways to go about depending on how quickly a person needs to get the extra income.

Short-term methods:

Employment benefits

Many employees aren’t aware of the full extent of benefits available to them through their current employment.

This benefits can include everything from grocery discounts to gym memberships, and by ensuring that all of them are being used as much as possible will help one’s income to stretch a little further each month.

Ask for a raise

As the saying goes; ‘You can’t get what you don’t ask for’, but many people find it difficult to ask for a raise outright.

Man catching money

Increasing income starts in the workplace by utilising employee benefits and asking for a pay raise (Image: GETTY)

If someone knows they provide value to the company and are productive enough to be deserving of a raise then the only thing preventing them from getting it is a lack of ever actually asking for it.

Sell second-hand

Decluttering ones home can see a lot of leftover ‘junk’ going to the tip at the end of the week, but selling items in reasonably good condition can see a quick and painless increase in cash flow.

It may be worth looking online at valuations for the goods that are being sold to ensure the price is reasonable and restoration before reselling can add an extra few pounds onto the price tag too.


Medium-term methods:

Passive income

Passive income is essentially a guaranteed income, usually not as large as an active income, that is generated with minimal interaction from the owner.

Investing or renting out equipment and spare space are great ways to begin a passive income.

Affiliate or digital marketing if one has experience and expertise in these sectors as the campaigns can run semi-autonomously.

Old woman studying

Studying and continuously learning throughout life provides both financial and mental stimulation (Image: GETTY)

Side business

Many people believe side businesses to be too complicated for them to begin, especially when it comes to those over 50 years of age.

However, a side business can be something as simple as writing CV’s for a few Linkedin connections or selling stock photos and by using one’s hobby to their advantage can see them earning money while doing something they enjoy.


Rideshare companies such as Uber or Lyft only require people to drive when they are available to, meaning drivers can work their own chosen amount of hours and in turn choose the paycheque they get from it.

Long-term methods:


If someone has a combination of years of experience alongside excellent education it will allow them to raise their own salary by going for higher-level positions and increases their value within a company.

This also doesn’t have to mean quitting ones job to go back to university for their doctorate, there are plenty of online courses that can be completed in any spare time someone has.

Collecting these certificates in a variety of field and not just the one that a person is currently employed in, can see increases in both income and career opportunities.

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