Billionaire Ray Dalio on how to 'get more than you can imagine'

HEDGE-FUND billionaire and New York Bestselling author Ray Dalio shares the secret to getting the most out of life.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Founder of Bridgewater Associates and creator of PrinciplesYou, Mr Dalio is a big advocate for having the correct principles and values to support one throughout life.

“If you try to give more than you can get, you will find that you get more than you can imagine,” he said in a Twitter post.  

On social media he shares his ‘Principle of the Day’ to encourage people to change their mindsets and challenge them to live a better, more productive life.

After winning admission to Harvard Business School and completing his studies Mr Dalio began his career at the New York Stock Exchange as a commodity trader.

He soon become the director of commodities at Dominic & Dominic LLC and just before founding his investment management firm Mr Dalio also worked as a broker and trader at Shearson Hayden Stone.

In 1975 Mr Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates in his two-bedroom apartment and it soon became the world’s biggest hedge-fund firm and currently manages around $140billion.

Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio founded Bridgewater Associates at the age of 22 (Image: GETTY)

Although, his experience with investing didn’t begin after his schooling years as Mr Dalio’s very first investment was made at the age of 12.

Working as a caddy for the exclusive Links Golf Club, he often overheard stock market talk whilst on the course and bought $300 worth of shares in Northeast Airlines.

This investment tripled thanks to a merger effort and Mr Dalio continued his investment journey, compiling principles he learned through trial and error during his career.

This compilation resulted in his book ‘Principles’ which details his investing philosophy, corporate management through self-analysis and experience.


He accredits these principles with helping him problem solve faster and more easily, as well as encouraging him to act on logic instead of emotion.

The majority of the principles in his bestselling book are anchored on perspective, with many similarities between his philosophies and the Asian philosophy of separation of mind.

Whilst this is not a new perspective on the human mind, it is no longer common practice as it once was.

Since stepping down from CEO of Bridgewater Associates, Mr Dalio has turned to social media to help spread daily bursts of inspiration from principles and values he has learnt from his years in the industry.

Ray Dalio

Now at the age of 72, Mr Dalio is worth approximately $14billion (Image: GETTY)

Most recently he tweeted: “If you try to give more than you get you will find that you will get more than you can imagine.”

Some other #Principleoftheday posts from Mr Dalio include: “Don’t make possibilities for probabilities.”

“Remember that you are looking for the best answer, not simply the best answer that you can come up with.”

And “When you have alignment, cherish it.”

Alongside this, Mr Dalio has also ventured into personality testing, creating PrinciplesYou with a team of expert psychologists to provide assessments with practicable insights.

This 30 minute personality assessment applies results to real situations in order to give people an insight into their tendencies and guidance on how to achieve their goals according to their personality type.

By providing a deeper insight into how a person, and those around them react, work and motivate themselves, Mr Dalio believes this will help achieve a harmonious and productive workplace.

Mr Dalio also isn’t an average investment mogul, he is also a daily practitioner of Transcendental Meditation which he accredits to helping him concentrate on his college studies.

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