Best budget beach holiday destinations and how to save up for your 2022 getaway

WHILE ‘beach holiday' can often sound expensive, in these four regions a short-term holiday can be incredibly budget-friendly and perfect for a Summer 2022 getaway.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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The Vacay Valuator from travel search engine Kayak shared just how people could save up enough to afford a decent getaway. With travel corridors constantly being updated and COVID-19 regulations differing in every part of the world, many have given up on the hopes of going away this year.

However, this should emphasise ones’ ability and need to properly plan and budget for a break-away destination trip next year.

Best budget destinations

Zadar, Croatia

A seven-day vacation in this lush nature destination can cost as little as £275.

Woman on a beach

Luxury beach holidays can cost as little as £176 per week (Image: GETTY)

Slightly North of the tourist attractions that are Croatia’s islands, one can find reasonably priced food, activities and a thriving summer nightlife.

Kayak estimated that cutting back on two months’ worth of Ubers will save an average of £137, walking to places for a few months can easily help one save for this nature-focused getaway.

Essaouira, Morocco

With the exchange rate in favour of the pound this area is incredibly cheap to stay in, with a two-week holiday only costing £411.


This cultural destination provides guaranteed hot weather and a laid-back Moroccan environment, perfect for people who find city holidays too overwhelming and want to truly relax.

Cutting back on takeaways for six months can save the average person £515, leaving some extra change to put back in their savings after their Moroccan getaway.

Kefalonia, Greece

The average cost for a week in Greece is £515 but in Kefalonia the average is closer to £300, alongside this the area is also well-known for its happy hours.

Kefalonia, Greece

This stunning beach is found in Kefalonia, Greece (Image: GETTY)

Greece is one of the most sought after holiday destinations, but many turn away do to the expectant high cost that will come with it.

However, staying in areas that are ‘off the beaten track’ will see even the tightest of holiday budgets have some spare change left over.

People can easily save for this budget beach by avoiding the hairdressers/groomers for six months, averaging in £362.

Bodrum, Turkey

The most budget-friendly on this list, a holiday in Bodrum has an average weekly cost of only £176!

There are countless activities and breath-taking views to enjoy in Bodrum and something to satisfy every type of holiday-maker.

Additionally, the notoriously cheap nature of Turkish beach holidays is exacerbated in this quaint town filled with historic sites.

Simply cancelling a gym subscription can see savings of £122 after three months, adding in some spare change on the side means one can easily afford this Turkish luxury.

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