Elvis: How King looked after illiterate uncle when he was too ill to be a Graceland guard

ELVIS PRESLEY's first Graceland guard was his illiterate uncle Travis Smith, who The King looked after when he fell ill until his death. Travis' son and Elvis' cousin, Memphis Mafia member Billy Smith, shared the touching story in a new video interview.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

Graceland: Take a live virtual tour of Elvis' Memphis home

When shot to fame he needed security so ended up hiring his mother Gladys’ brother, Travis Smith, to be his first Graceland guard. The King’s uncle and mother were pretty tight from their early years and the Presley and Smith families moved from Tupelo, Mississippi to Memphis, Tennessee together. In their new home city they shared a house, with the Presleys downstairs and the Smiths upstairs.

Travis’ son Billy Smith, Elvis’ cousin who was a Memphis Mafia member, shared the story of his father in the latest YouTube episode of Memphis Mafia Kid.

He said how his father worked for the Precision Tool Company in Memphis and bought a 1951 Chevrolet, which he let Elvis take his driving test in.

When The King became famous in 1956, the family had moved to Audubon Drive where they asked Travis to be a guard out front.

Elvis’ uncle, who got on well with people, would crowd control the fans and made sure they kept off the neighbour’s lawns.

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elvis and travis with fans

Elvis: How King looked after illiterate uncle when he was too ill to be a Graceland guard (Image: GETTY/MMK)

travis by a car

Elvis' uncle Travis Smith, the first Graceland guard (Image: MMK)

Billy shared: “Elvis had a lot of confidence in him, so kept him on. Elvis cared a lot about Daddy, he did.” While his wife Jo added: “He had a lot of respect for him.”

In 1957, The King bought Graceland and moved his family onto the gated property where Travis was the first guard.

He would wear a shirt with an E and a P emblazoned on each side of his chest as a uniform, accompanied by a cap and dark blue trousers.

While Elvis’ uncle would drive around Graceland in a three-wheeled golf cart, which had to be charged up every six hours.

travis and billy

Travis and Billy (Image: MMK)

Occasionally, Travis would give fans a ride and even let them inside the gates of Graceland.

However, if any of them made a run for the mansion, he’d get pretty hacked off according to his son.

Travis was illiterate and when fans at Graceland’s gates asked him for his autograph he would put them off since he couldn’t read or write.

However, he had a couple of people teach him how to write his name so he could sign, “Travis Smith”.

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Jo shared: “He actually was there [as a Graceland guard] until he became ill and couldn’t work anymore and Elvis retired him…he’d had a stroke.”

The King then kept his uncle on his payroll up until his death and then kept Travis’ wife on the payroll too for the rest of her life.

Elvis was well known for his incredible generosity and had other extended family members come and live at Graceland with him.

Another was his father Vernon’s sister Aunt Delta, who was widowed and actually lived at the mansion until her death in 1993, over a decade after tours began.

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