Tom Hanks' peculiar obsession with sending fans bizarre gift: ‘I use them like cuff links!

TOM HANKS has been on a mission to create "a community of typewriting people" and a select group of lucky fans have now found themselves gifted typewriters from the Hollywood star.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Tom Hanks discusses 'chit chat' he had with the Queen at dinner

The internationally acclaimed actor is known for his incredible acting talents, such as in Apollo 13 which is showing tomorrow on ITV, and his all-around nice guy persona. But few know of the star’s not-so-guilty pleasure: his obsession with typewriters.

Hanks’ personal collection of typewriters consists of over 250 machines, and told Stephen Colbert that he always travels with at least two, saying “I use them like cuff links!”

He also starred in 2016’s documentary California Typewriter to spur on the next generation of enthusiasts. 

In the documentary he notes: “I try to foster a community of typewriting people.” 

Hanks has started this community through his fan base, which spans through multiple generations thanks to his continued acting prowess in a range of genres, from the likes of family favourite Forrest Gump to his satirical appearance in The Simpsons Movie

One lucky recipient of Hanks’ personal obsession was a young boy from Australia at the beginning of the pandemic. 

In a devastating turn of events, the young boy wrote to Hanks sharing his experience with ongoing bullying due to his name: Corona De Vries.


Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks admires typewriters as "brilliant combinations of art and engineering" (Image: GETTY)

Tom Hanks, Austin Butler and Baz Luhrmann at Elvis movie premier

Hanks' latest film Elvis was released yesterday in the UK (Image: GETTY)

The then eight-year-old from Queensland wrote to the star after Hanks and his wife had been in quarantine in an Australian beach resort due to testing positive for COVID-19. 

Australian show Channel 7 News reported that the letter was filled with concern for Hank’s and his wife’s wellbeing, and also noted that the bully made young Corora “sad and angry”. 

Hanks responded with a letter typed on a Corona typewriter saying: “You know, you are the only person I’ve ever known to have the name Corona -- like the ring around the sun, a crown.

“I thought this typewriter would suit you. Ask a grown up how it works. And use it to write me back.

Hanks finished the note with a handwritten: “P.S. You got a friend in ME!”

The double-Oscar winner gifted another typewriter, and a personal note to upcoming artist Denise Esposito. 

Typewriter signed by Tom Hanks

Hanks autographed this Smith-Corona typewriter in 2019 for a fan (Image: GETTY)

In 2016 the artist had given a sketchbook filled with her artworks to Hank’s publicist at the Rome Film Festival.

She assumed he would eventually see the sketchbook and simply hoped he would enjoy it, but didn’t expect much more. 

However, she received much more, as the typewriter arrived with a note from the actor saying: “For your lovely book of sketches of--all--those MOVIES, here's a typewriter to do with whatever you need! Make more art!”

Esposito shared her story on Reddit and Instagram, saying: “How amazing life is when your favourite actor sends you a typewriter and a thank you letter? How unbelievably cool is that?

"I can't stop staring at all of this. When a gesture is worth a thousand words.. and this man really left me speechless."

Another fan, Chris Hardwick, apparently figured out how to use Hanks’ obsession to his gain and got the star to appear for an interview on his Nerdist podcast. 


Hardwick sent Hanks a 1934 Smith Corona typewriter along with a typed letter asking the actor to join the podcast. 

Hanks took the opportunity for a comical response written using the typewriter Hardwick had sent, and the letter promptly went viral.

The letter from Hanks read: “Dear Chris, Ashley, and all the diabolical geniuses at Nerdist Industries. Just who do you think you are to try to bribe me into an appearance on your ‘thing’ with this gift of the most fantastic Corona Silent typewriter made in 1934?

“You are out of your minds if you think…that I…wow, this thing has great action… and this deep crimson colour… Wait! I’m not so shallow as to… and it types nearly silently…

Tom Hanks explaining how to change a typewriter ribbon

Hanks knows the typewriter industry is dwindling and hopes his influence can help it thrive again (Image: Vanity Fair)


“I will have my people contact yours and work out some kind of interview process…

Hanks also signed the letter with the send off: “Damn you all to hell”.

Hanks will be appearing as astronaut Jim Lovell in the film Apollo 13 tomorrow, which follows three astronauts on the Apollo 13 moon mission who find themselves stranded in a damaged spacecraft. 

Apollo 13 is showing on ITV 4 at 7:40pm on Sunday June 26.

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