Crime and punishment: The best murder and mystery reads of the season

JAKE Kerridge’s selection of the latest whodunnits features murder, magicians and a mystery manuscript.

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Smoke And Mirrors by Elly Griffiths (Quercus, £16.99)

DI Edgar Stephens once again requires the guidance of magician Max Mephisto as murder forces him to re-enter the seedy, shady world of the theatre, in the second instalment of Elly Griffiths’s series set in 1950s Brighton.

This is old-fashioned crime in the best sense. It mixes cosiness and sharpness in a way that recalls the best of Agatha Christie and has a feel for showfolk worthy of Ngaio Marsh.

His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet (Contraband, £8.99)

You can tell from the first page of this thriller that you’re opening up a real box of tricks. It begins with a preface by the author claiming that what follows is a manuscript written in the 1860s by his ancestor Roderick Macrae, while imprisoned in Inverness Castle awaiting trial for a triple murder.

But the inclusion of testimonies from other characters casts doubt on Macrae’s version of events in a truly ingenious thriller as confusingly multilayered as an Escher staircase.

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A Cold Death In Amsterdam by Anja de Jager (Constable, £19.99)

In Anja de Jager’s debut novel, Lotte Meerman, a Dutch cold-case detective, proves to be a very welcome addition to the literary detectives who battle their demons against an attractively evoked backdrop.

Lotte finds herself covering up for her father, also a detective, when she discovers irregularities in his investigation of a murder a decade earlier. The book succeeds as a portrait of both a city and, in its heroine, a delightfully dysfunctional personality.

The Silent Room by Mari Hannah (Macmillan, £12.99)

Mari Hannah, best known for her series about DCI Kate Daniels, has taken on the voice of a male cop for this pacey stand-alone thriller. The van taking DI Jack Fenwick, accused of corruption, to Durham Prison is hijacked – but has he been spirited away by friend or foe?

DS Matthew Ryan believes his boss’s life is in danger but, suspended himself, has to rely on somewhat unconventional methods to get to the bottom of what turns out to be an international conspiracy, with all the delicious twists and turns that entails.  

Silence by Anthony J Quinn (Head of Zeus, £12.99)

It has taken time to digest the Troubles and Anthony J Quinn’s books featuring Inspector Celcius Daly, a Catholic detective in Northern Ireland, are among the best of the many crime novels that have tackled the subject – perhaps because they do so in slightly oblique and unexpected ways.

This third book in the series starts with the apparent suicide of an elderly priest who has detected a pattern in the apparently random sectarian killings of 30 years ago. The writing is superbly original.

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Secret lives 

Affairs of the heart and a new collection of short stories

A Notable Woman: The Romantic Journals Of Jean Lucey Pratt  Edited by Simon Garfield (Canongate, £20)

Simon Garfield’s description of Jean Lucey Pratt’s diaries as “Virginia Woolf meets Caitlin Moran” made my heart sink. I expected stream-of-consciousness pretension modulated by self-regarding confessional.

In fact, these diaries, written between 1925 and the author’s death in 1986, are a good deal more engaging than Garfield’s summary suggests.

He came across the diaries when collating accounts from the Mass Observation initiative, which started as an academic experiment in the 1930s and invited ordinary people to write about their lives.

Jean Pratt contributed for years and Garfield fell for her original and virtually unheard voice.

Jean was born in Wembley in 1909, trained as an architect and worked as a publicist for a metals company during the Second World War.

But she always wanted to write. “If I could write one book of real worth, I should feel I had not lived in vain,” she wrote in her diary in November 1931, aged 22, as she struggled with her architectural studies. 

A modest legacy from an uncle allowed Jean to live independently and after a series of flat-shares around London and a spell in Malta, she finally moved to Wee Cottage in Burnham Beeches. 

There she remained until her death, gardening, delighting in her cats and running the local bookshop. She writes about all three activities in precise and absorbing detail.

Described with equal vividness are her literary ambitions and her repeated attempts to give up smoking. 

Much of Jean’s story is one of disappointment: she published little in her lifetime and her personal life was also less than happy, leaving her often with “a bruised and battered heart”. She yearned for loving companionship: “To be loved – not merely made love to – that’s what I want.” Instead, her succession of potential lovers had an alarming tendency to become engaged to other women. 

In her thirties, she finally lost her virginity to a man who all her friends disliked. The affair fizzled out as did another with a colleague during the war. Her close friendships, too, were often turbulent.

Her entries about her love life are raw, with nothing held back. But this intense personal life is set against the broader social picture of the privations of war- and post-war England. She became politically active, joining the Fabian Society and sitting next to a young (and fiercely ambitious) Barbara Castle at a Dartington summer school. She later joined the Liberal Party, but her interest in politics and current affairs seems to have waned as she got older.

These diaries would have been improved, I felt, by more rigorous cutting. It’s a long book at more than 700 pages and at times the reader agrees with Jean that living is “a perpetual, remorseless battle”.

Nevertheless, given the quality of her writing, it is surprising she had so little success in her lifetime. Presciently, however, she confided in January 1933: “I have an odd conviction that these journals will have a value.” She was right. 


Vanessa Berridge

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Public Library And Other Stories by Ali Smith (Hamish Hamilton, £16.99)

Ali Smith is rapidly becoming one of Britain’s best-loved novelists, but she still displays a cheering commitment to the short story.

Writing short stories notoriously involves a good deal of hard work for pitiful financial reward and many authors abandon them as they grow older. But Smith continues to produce them prolifically and Public Library is her fifth story collection in 20 years. 

Smith’s stories are often “literary” in the sense that they are about writers and books. They could be seen as a riposte to the joke made by Logan Pearsall Smith: “People say life is the thing but I prefer reading.” Her quirky imagination makes writing and reading seem as exciting as any other aspect of life. 

In The Ex-Wife, the narrator gets annoyed with her boyfriend’s obsession with the works of Katherine Mansfield, so much so that she starts to refer to Mansfield as her boyfriend’s ex-wife.

Eventually, the couple split up, but then the narrator finds herself haunted by Mansfield’s ghost. Another story is about the macabre fate of DH Lawrence’s ashes – or rather it’s a story about Smith writing a story about it.

Perhaps the finest story in the book is The Poet, which imagines an incident in the childhood of poet Olive Fraser when she angrily throws one of Sir Walter Scott’s novels across the room, breaks the spine and is delighted to find sheet music beneath the binding.

It echoes a moment in one of Virginia Woolf’s novels when a collection of Walter Scott’s books are described in detail, so the story is a way of reaching out to three writers – Fraser, Scott and Woolf – at once.

That story seems particularly at home in a book intended as a rallying cry for supporters of public libraries. Interspersed with the stories are testimonies Smith has gathered from librarians and writer friends such as Kate Atkinson in which public libraries are trumpeted as an irreplaceable resource, even though they are frequently replaced with private members’ clubs, luxury flats and the like.

I entirely agree with Smith and her friends, although I can’t help feeling that anybody who buys a collection of short stories by Ali Smith probably thinks this way already.

And considering that two of the stories in this book have already been published in an illustrated collection of Smith’s work called Shire, some readers may feel they’re not getting a great deal of original Smith for their buck here. 

But I don’t want to sound like the sort of library-flattening politician who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing so I’ll add that despite my caveats, Smith’s stories are so good as to be priceless.


Jake Kerridge

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Top fives

Top five fiction

1. Grandpa’s Great Escape by David Walliams (HarperCollins Children’s, £12.99)

2. Girl Online: On Tour by Zoe Sugg (Penguin, £12.99)

3. You Are Dead by Peter James (Pan, £7.99)

4. Hope To Die by James Patterson (Arrow, £7.99)

5. When Christmas Bells Ring by Katie Flynn (Arrow, £6.99)

Top five non-fiction

1. When You Dead, You Dead by Guy Martin (Virgin, £20)

2. Guinness World Records 2016 (Guinness World Records, £20)

3. The Road To Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson (Doubleday, £20)

4. Binge by Tyler Oakley (Simon & Schuster, £14.99)

5. Everyday Super Food by Jamie Oliver (Michael Joseph, £26)

Top five children’s

1. Grandpa’s Great Escape by David Walliams (HarperCollins Children’s, £12.99)

2. Girl Online: On Tour by Zoe Sugg (Penguin, £12.99)

3. Tom Gates: Top Of The Class (Nearly) by Liz Pichon (Scholastic, £10.99)

4. Stampy’s Lovely Book (Egmont, £7.99) 

5. Kids Only by Dr Miranda MacQuitty (Natural History Museum, £5) 

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