Honour the Queen and pen a national football anthem

THE National Anthem has long been as much of a fixture of England football matches as a pie and a pint.

The Queen and the English national football teamGETTY

Perhaps it is time for England to have an anthem of its own

So it is understandable that plans to scrap God Save The Queen at national sporting events have been met with consternation, not least from Her Majesty’s own cousin. 

Many will agree with the Honourable Margaret Rhodes in questioning the need to change the centuries-old tradition of “sending her victorious, happy and glorious”. 

But with the Tartan Army laying claim to Flower Of Scotland and the Welsh proud to sing Land Of My Fathers whenever the Dragons roar, perhaps it is finally time for England to have an anthem of its own, rather than just adopting the hymn of Great Britain. 

As Her Majesty prepares to celebrate her 90th birthday in April now is certainly not the time to sideline a hard-working monarch who has served this nation with grace, dignity and decency for nearly 64 years. 

David CameronGETTY

David Cameron has given his backing for an England-specific national anthem

An ideal solution would be for Judith Weir, Master of the Queen’s Music, to compose a new anthem about the national sport that would not only pay tribute to the sovereign but also her sport-supporting subjects. 

With the Euro 2016 tournament fast approaching what better way to inspire Roy Hodgson’s team than with an uplifting new song? 

Perhaps even something that all the players would actually sing instead of just mouthing the words? 

Now that really would be a result.


A kid eating sweets from his bellybuttonGETTY

Parents have been advised to stop giving children as many sweets as bribes for good behaviour

Parents must say ‘no’ 

AS any parent knows, bribery has its place in child-rearing, not least when dealing with a toddler throwing a tantrum in a public place. 

The notion of children being “seen and not heard” seems outdated in today’s technological era. 

However while times may have changed, children have not... and “no” still remains the most important word in a parent’s vocabulary. 

Advice on not giving youngsters too many sweet treats may seem as nannying as last week’s stricter alcohol guidelines but the unpalatable truth is that our children are getting fatter. 

It might be hard to stomach but ultimately the only people to blame for childhood obesity are over-indulgent parents who say “yes” for an easier life instead of exercising the authority children really crave.


A man inspecting an Alzheimers brainGETTY

A 15-year-old, Krtin Nithiyanandam, has been carrying out research that could help tackle Alzheimers

Young stars shine

OUR teenagers often get a bad press these days but as the heart-warming story on the Express website proves there are many youngsters out there debunking the stereotype.

At just 15 Krtin Nithiyanandam has been carrying out award-winning scientific research that could help diagnose Alzheimer’s 10 years earlier than it otherwise would be.

We must do more to nurture the stars of tomorrow, for our future lies in their hands.

Alzheimer's Research UK - Fightback campaign

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