If only this Romanian had not been allowed into the UK

WITHOUT the open-door policy introduced by Labour under Tony Blair, Valentin Leocan would not now be in Britain.

Tony BlairGETTY

Former PM Tony Blair is charged with laying the foundations for the UK's current immigration crisis

He would have been unable to beat up a member of staff in a bookies and steal from the till. 

He would have been unable to mug an 86-year-old man, steal his bank card and pocket £500. 

He would not now be in a British prison. 

Instead he would be hundreds of miles away, back home in Romania pursuing his criminal career there, which would be better for us all. 

But surely once he has served his sentence (all paid for by the British tax payer) he will be sent back to Romania for we certainly do not want him here? 

Unfortunately there is no chance of that for the judge at the crown court did not issue a deportation order. 

UK immigration officerGETTY

Thug Valentin Leocan has so far managed to evade a deportation order despite his criminal behaviour

So when Valentin Leocan is released he will be able to pick up welfare here and carry on robbing and mugging. 

And we will go on funding this useless individual. 

He is one of so many. 

We remember 14-year-old Alice Gross assumed to have been killed by Arnis Zalkains who had already been convicted of killing his wife in Latvia; and of 12-year-old Amy Houston mown down by an asylum seeker with a string of convictions, and left to die. 

Why are these wicked people in Britain? 

Only, apparently, to commit crime and create misery.


The Court of AppealGETTY

The Courts of Appeal sit inside London's iconic Royal Courts of Justice

Welcome ruling on Iraqis

The Court of Appeal has ruled that hundreds of Iraqi civilians may not sue Britain for compensation over alleged mistreatment by British troops after the 2003 invasion. 

This judgment overturns a previous decision made last October in the High Court. 

If allowed to go ahead this litigation would have dragged through the courts for years and caused immense distress to members of the armed forces who were doing their jobs in the most difficult of circumstances. 

A lengthy inquiry has already established that British soldiers accused of murdering 20 Iraqis were the victims of “deliberate lies, reckless speculation and ingrained hostility”. 

The claims of human rights abuses have been disallowed on a technicality - they fall outside the three-year limitation period allowed by Iraqi law.

Nevertheless is it a victory for common sense and very welcome too.


cynthia payneGETTY

Cynthia Payne passed away on 15 November 2015, aged 82

A fine send-off for Cyn

South London madame Cynthia Payne had a magnificent send off yesterday which is exactly what she would have wanted. 

She was a colourful character who simply wanted everyone to have a good time. 

It is no exaggeration to say we shall not see her like again.

Cynthia Payne's Funeral

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