United front against IS obstructed by Corbyn

IN THE next few days Parliament could be voting to send our young airmen into war in the skies over Syria.

It's time for Labour's leader Corbyn to grow upGETTY

It's time for Labour's leader Corbyn to grow up

Never has it been more vital for Britain to be united in supporting our forces and showing the Islamist fanatics they will not cow us.

Shamefully one man stands out from the crowd: Jeremy Corbyn, who says: "I will make my mind up in due course."

How hard can it be to decide whose side you are on? Half the shadow cabinet are set to back David Cameron in the expected Commons vote but in an extraordinary perversion of democracy Corbyn supposedly holds dear he says of Labour's voting intention: "It is me who decides."

I will make my mind up in due course

Jeremy Corbyn

Despite this tactic, of which Chairman Mao would have been proud, we could still witness the unedifying spectacle of Corbyn voting one way and his shadow foreign secretary voting the other.

We know that the terrorist tribe laying waste to Iraq and Syria, and whose tentacles have spread bloodshed around the world, are experts at the internet and social media. If they are following Calamity Corbyn's antics on the news websites they must be chuckling in their desert foxholes.

It is high time to wipe the smiles off their faces - and for Labour's leader to grow up. Yesterday he said of his leadership: "I'm loving every minute of it."

180,000 Muslims have arrived in Germany and will take the total up to one million in DecemberGETTY

180,000 Muslims have arrived in Germany and will take the total up to one million in December

Well, the British people are most decidedly not. This cannot go on.


Germany overwhelmed 

UNREPORTED by the BBC, something very alarming is happening in Germany, something which greatly affects us all here. This month 180,000 Muslims - mainly young Arab men - have arrived in Germany and by the end of December the official total for the year is put at one million.

Only one in five are said to be Syrian refugees - most are from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Morocco and Egypt.

Pictures of Princess Charlotte have warmed the hearts of the nationGETTY

Pictures of Princess Charlotte have warmed the hearts of the nation

Chancellor Angela Merkel's criminally ill-conceived "welcome to all" policy is going to tear her country apart, which is why we in Britain must never waver and be fooled by the liberals into thinking we should be letting more refugees in.

But what do we do if Germany gives all of its unwanted newcomers an EU passport so they are free to travel here? It will be mayhem. Time to quit the EU!


Our Christmas Princess 

Nothing can beat the smile of a child to remind us what the real joy of Christmas is. The delightful pictures of Princess Charlotte, taken by her proud mum, have warmed the hearts of the nation. They couldn't have come at a better time.

Royals William and Kate release new photos of baby Charlotte

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