We cannot ignore the threat of home-grown jihadis

TERROR suspects were arrested at the rate of one every day for the past year, a House of Commons committee was told yesterday.

Foreign secretary Philip HammondPA

Foreign secretary Philip Hammond discussed possible British air strikes in Syria yesterday

Mark Rowley, Britain’s top anti-terror officer, warned them that this is double the rate of three years ago. 

He revealed that the police are now picking up extremists for “anything we can” in a bid to “disrupt” would-be plotters. 

Such tactics are indicative of the way they have successfully adapted to the changing threats that face us. 

With “several thousand” home-grown terror suspects walking our streets the police must constantly modify their operations to keep the jihadists on the back foot. 

That they have managed to do this so effectively is testament to their hard work and professionalism. 

There is a pressing need to tackle IS in their Syrian heartlands. 

Mark RowleyIG

Mark Rowley, Britain's top anti-terror officer, has cracked down on extremist behaviour

MPs are presently busy speculating and debating about the possibility of extending bombing missions in the Middle East. 

But we cannot allow the important military response to IS to distract us from anti-terror efforts here. 

We must face the fact that the attacks in Paris could easily have happened in London, Manchester or Cardiff. 

That such an event has not taken place is in no small part down to the efforts of Mr Rowley and his officers. 

We can be very grateful to them indeed.



By the end of this year, figures estimate more than 850,000 people will suffer from dementia

Vital support for research

Dementia is a growing scourge of our society. 

This horrible disease is a torment not only to sufferers but to their loved ones. 

Nobody should have to go through such an awful experience and yet the Alzheimer’s Society estimates that there are 850,000 sufferers in this country with that number expected to increase. 

Medical science has made great strides in tackling a huge number of illnesses and conditions but our knowledge of dementia is, despite huge efforts, still lagging behind. 

As life expectancy increases we desperately need a greater emphasis on researching treatments and working towards a cure for an illness that blights the final years of far too many people. 

David Cameron’s plans for a new £150million research institute are to be warmly welcomed. 

This country has a long history of leading the world in medical and scientific breakthroughs. 

Let us hope that we can do the same again for dementia.



Adele reportedly made £17million last year, despite not releasing or performing any music

It pays to be this popular

Adele made £17million last year despite not releasing or performing any music.

No doubt preparing for the release of her new album and raising her young son kept her furiously busy but still, nice work if you can get it.

Adele - Hello

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