The Government is right to push pensions change

FOR a country that used to have a pensions system that was the envy of the world, the past two decades have been a mess.

Gordon Brown, far right, has put the pension system in turmoilGETTY

Gordon Brown, far right, has put the pension system in turmoil

Ever since former Chancellor Gordon Brown aimed his wrecking ball at retirement funds via his "pension stealth tax" the system has been in turmoil, with many people approaching pension age with no real idea as to what they could expect to live on in their retirement.

The current Government has been working hard to rectify this, first simplifying the state pension and now offering people already in retirement, or fast approaching it, the opportunity to boost their income in return for a one-off fee.

This cannot be welcomed highly enough. Poverty in old age is something that no one should have to experience in a civilised country, and the more that can be done to alleviate it the better. Nor, in many cases, are pensioners themselves to blame when their expected income falls short: a combination of bad advice and system changes have left an awful lot of responsible people in the dark.

Poverty in old age is something that no one should have to experience in a civilised country

This Government has shown that it is prepared to repair our damaged pension system and on top of that they are providing assistance for some of the more vulnerable in our society.


Stepping up cancer fight

CANCER is a blight on our times: it is a horrible disease which not only causes enormous suffering to the patient but devastates the lives of those around them as well. So it is heartening to see that £100million is now on offer to find a cure for this dreadful illness.

It might seem an optimistic talk but many other diseases, such as smallpox, which used to blight millions of lives too, have now been wiped out and there is no reason to think that can't be true of cancer.

The Queen has always favoured corgisPA

The Queen has always favoured corgis

And as we are all living so much longer our chances of encountering it at some point in our lives have grown.

Survival rates in some types of cancer are already much higher than they used to be but let us by all means try to wipe it out together.

But let us not forget that other modern curse - and work to fight dementia too.


It's a (royal) dog's life!

CORGIS are enjoying renewed popularity on the back of pictures of the breed with the Queen, who has always favoured them. Quite right too. And how touching that, so far into her very long reign, Her Majesty still wields such influence. Not just man's best friend - but a monarch's, too.

Understanding Pensions and Retirement

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