Keir Starmer must immediately recall Parliament so we can put a stop to this rioting chaos

It is essential we come together in Parliament and stop the escalating violence that's sweeping our country, says Priti Patel.

A man confronts police in a riot in Rotherham

Many residents are having to clean up their communities after riots have taken place (Image: Getty)

The Prime Minister has a moral obligation to recall Parliament.

The rapid escalation in violence we have witnessed in towns and cities across our country in recent days has been shocking and unacceptable. The British public have every right to be concerned at the appalling levels of civil unrest which has taken place and they need to be reassured that the Government is doing all it can to get a grip on this situation.

That’s why I am calling for the Prime Minister to recall Parliament. In his previous role as Director of Public Prosecutions, the Prime Minister will remember that the House was recalled to respond to the violent and disorderly riots in August 2011.

Bringing MPs together means we can send a powerful message as we can stand in solidarity with the victims of these harrowing events as well as our heroic emergency services. It would give politicians an opportunity to come together and question the Government over the challenges it faces. Keir Starmer has a moral obligation to ask the Speaker to recall the House of Commons.

As a former Home Secretary, I recognise the challenges that Ministers will be facing which is why I brought in new laws to tackle disorder. They were fiercely opposed at the time, but recent events demonstrate why they were essential. We need to know if the Home Secretary is prepared to use them.

The Government must also outline details of what they are doing to support the police and communities impacted. This should include increasing police mobilisation through mutual aid, cancelling police leave if necessary, as well as providing communities with the support they need to rebuild.

The police deserve our backing. We have seen police officers take heroic action to deal with violence, often standing in harm’s way to defend the rule of law. Parliament must be recalled so we can add further credibility to their work and end the perception that there is any form of two-tier policing.

I have been clear that there is a very clear difference between engaging in legitimate protest and outright violence, thuggery and criminality. The police response to protests and disorder must always be proportionate to the level of disruption being caused. All Parliamentarians also have a responsibility not to spread disinformation which will only inflame tensions further.

This is a difficult period for our country and I understand the challenges and the pressures the Prime Minister and Home Secretary will be facing. There were also clearly issues raised at the recent General Election, including on immigration and integration, which will need to be dealt with in the coming weeks and months. But coming to Parliament now to represent, debate, and work across the political spectrum during this period of civil unrest is essential.

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