Virginia Blackburn

Virginia Blackburn is a journalist, columnist and author. She has written two novels and more than 20 celebrity biographies including David Beckham: The Great Betrayal, Kylie: Story of a Survivor, and Robbie's Secrets.

No wonder Sir Tom's wife lost her spark says Virginia Blackburn

LIKE an awful lot of people in this country, I absolutely love Sir Tom Jones.

Tom Jones performing in the 70sGETTY

Tom Jones: Manliness personified

The twinkle in his eye and his sheer joie de vivre make it hard for anyone not to be won over and that’s before you even get to that amazing voice.

Just a glimpse of him in his 1970s heyday warms the cockles of the heart – clad in minuscule swimming trunks, a cigar in one hand and Miss World in the other.

And there’s the rub. Tom, lovely, mischievous, sexy old Tom, had no business canoodling with Miss World. He has been married since the age of 16 and his wife Linda, he said this week – the girl from the valleys, the love of his life – has now “lost her spark”.

I bet she has. Poor Linda. What a life she has had. It would be naive to think that Tom, who is pretty much masculinity incarnate, would turn down all the temptations of the road but he hasn’t exactly made much of an effort to hide it, has he?

Quite apart from two long-running affairs with Marjorie Wallace (Miss World) and Mary Wilson (The Supremes singer) there’s an illegitimate son (Linda says she believes Tom when he denies the child is his, despite the fact that he has to pay maintenance), reports of bedding up to 250 women a year and an area backstage known as “the workbench”.

“Men are men,” says Sir Tom with a laugh. Well yes, but they can be monsters, too.

I cannot bring myself to dislike Sir Tom: I’m sure he is brilliantly good fun and for the most part he has contributed nothing but joy to the nation. But he has pretty much destroyed his wife. Linda herself has observed that she didn’t marry Tom Jones, she married Tommy Woodward and how exciting it must have seemed when he first started to become famous.

But I’d put money on it that she would far rather have done without the fame, the money and the lifestyle and stayed in Pontypridd with Tommy Woodward. Tom Jones is one of our greatest and much loved entertainers. But as a husband? No thanks.


Protesters shout at Conservatives party delegatesGETTY

Boris Johnson laughed of attacks from protesters

CONFRONTED with the hissing, jeering spitting mob outside the Conservative Party Conference (welcome to Corbyn’s Britain), Boris Johnson responded with admirable sang froid. “We need to do more to encourage sport in schools, especially ball games, they managed to miss their target with every projectile,” he proclaimed.

Makes you proud to be British, does it not?


JOHNNY Depp has expressed reservations about his 16-year-old daughter Lily-Rose becoming a model.

Well, he would, wouldn’t he? Johnny, who dated Kate Moss for four years, knows exactly what type of men are attracted to models.

Johnny himself appears to be one of the good guys but another man who expressed great concern over his own daughters’ careers is Sir Mick Jagger. Who better to know what a problem some men can be when confronted by pulchritudinous female flesh?


Lily-Rose Melody and Kurt LagerfeldGETTY

Lily-Rose Melody Depp modelling at a Chanel event

I WAS amazed to hear that Radio 4 is serialising the second volume of Charles Moore’s biography of Margaret Thatcher given the Beeb’s antipathy towards her.

And what triumph did it start off with? The Falklands? The miners’ strike? Nope: part one was about the handover of Hong Kong to the Chinese, not her finest moment.

Why am I not surprised?


A lionREX

Leon the lion looks suspiciously familiar

HERE’S Leon the lion, sunning himself in a Czech zoo. Remind you of anyone? Suspicious that he and Sir Richard Branson have never been seen together in the same place…

Ricky's funny Tom Jones moment

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