JK Rowling slams Scottish MP after being 'accused of bullying' in explosive Twitter row

JK ROWLING found herself involved in a heated Twitter row with a Scottish MP yesterday, after she accused the author of "bullying".

JK Rowling gets into Twitter spat with MPWENN • GETTY

JK Rowling got involved in a heated Twitter spat with Natalie McGarry

The argument started after former Scottish National Party politician Natalie McGarry took to the social media site to accuse the Harry Potter author of "defending abusive misogynistic trolls".

Rowling hit back: "I'd love an explanation of this accusation, Natalie," after McGarry posted: "Wow @jk_rowling vanity searches her name & then defends abusive misogynist trolls. Extraordinary. Almost makes me regret queuing for books."

Eager for an explanation, the best-selling writer continued: "Show me where I have defended misogyny and abuse, please.

"I'm waiting to hear where I've defended misogyny and abuse."

JK Rowling Twitter spatTWITTER

Scottish MP ended up apologising for her comments

JK Rowling Twitter spatTWITTER

Rowling asked for proof

JK Rowling Twitter spatTWITTER

JK was accused of defending 'abusive misogynistic trolls'

McGarry then brought up a message to an account under the name Brian Spanner, which was actually thanking him for raising money for the writer's charity Lumos.

Rowling said: "You mean when I was thanking @BrianSpanner1 for raising money for my children's charity @lumos?"

After countless messages, the outspoken star then demanded an apology, before hinting that she was going to be taking legal action.

She insisted: "You are a politician making a public accusation. Show me where I have defended abusive, misogynist trolling.

"You need to provide some evidence for that or I'm going to need an apology." 

JK Rowling poses on the red carpetGETTY

Harry Potter author 'demanded proof' regarding McGarry's tweets

Natalie McGarryGETTY

McGarry accused the writer of 'bullying'

McGarry eventually replied: "Dear @jk_rowling. On reflection, I do apologise for any misguided inference that you support misogyny or abuse instead of the folk you tweet."

Realising that she was causing quite a stir, Rowling finally shared: "Thank you very much, Natalie, and I'd like to ask anyone following me who is being less than polite to you to stop."

Express.co.uk has contacted JK Rowling's representative for further comments.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Scene - Voldemort in the Malfoy Manor

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