BBC Breakfast fans beg Naga Munchetty to give up 'filthy habit' after smoking with co-star

Naga Munchetty got an unexpected response from fans as she shared a post-run snap on Twitter after being photographed having a cigarette with Charlie Stayt.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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, 48, and her co-host Charlie Stayt, 60, were spotted outside of a Manchester bar earlier this month as they enjoyed their downtime with some pints and cigarettes.

However, some of the newsreader's passionate fanbase did not take kindly to this revelation, pleading with her to quit the “filthy habit”.

On Friday, Naga shared a post-run selfie on Twitter, looking a bit sweaty and tired as she stared into the camera.

She captioned the post with some motivation for those who might feel the same, saying: “Didn't want to. Did it. It's done #run. Happy Friday xx.”

Some of her 278,000 followers took the opportunity to share their hopes that she would quit smoking, with shaunoconnell5 joking now that her run was down it was “time for a fag and a pint with Charlie now”.


Naga Munchetty

Naga and Charlie were spotted having a cigarette outside a Manchester bar (Image: SPLASHNEWS)

Bingley11 added to the discourse by simply writing: “I'd never have thought you were a smoker.” while Layersofwarmth added: “(cigarette emoji) nuff said”.

And Maj4u2nv shared their brutal opinion saying: “Stop smoking, it shows on your skin. You are far too beautiful to keep that filthy habit up. X”

Elsewhere in the comments fans were criticising an entirely different aspect of the newsreader, with one even claiming the selfie was evidence that she wasn’t exercising hard enough.

Anonymouse joked: “You have no right to be that attractive after a run. Stop it." While TheAncientCoil declared: “No. More sweat and running mascara etc required, not running hard enough. You look far too good and cool after the run.”

Naga Munchetty

Naga is known to be quite active outside of the BBC studio and is a self-described 'obsessed golfer' (Image: GETTY)

Despite the negativity, many fans praised the journalist for her commitment to fitness, sharing their own tips, tricks and tales of exercising when they didn’t want to.

Rohit_naiker1 recommended to the BBC star: “If you ever don’t feel like it, or even getting out of bed, count backwards like launching a space shuttle.. 5... 4... 3....2...1…”

Earlier this month, Naga and Charlie enjoyed a well-deserved break after an early shift on the BBC Breakfast red couch as they were spotted having a smoke outside a Manchester bar.

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