Channel 4 Four in a Bed owner calls out 'desperate' rivals over 'petty' complaints

Four in a Bed owners Simon and Ann were less than impressed with the feedback they were given by Jackie and Nigel, with the duo calling them 'desperate' and 'petty'.

By Tianna Corbin, TV reporter

Four in a Bed host calls complaint 'petty'

In a rerun episode of Four in a Bed, one pair of B&B owners, Simon and Ann, were left taken aback by the criticisms they received on the Channel 4 show. In particular, they sought explanations ove harsh remarks from two contestants during payment day.

During their conversation, Simon expressed his disappointment in Jackie and Nigel for their unsatisfactory review of their bed-and-breakfast, specifically their hygiene score of six. Jackie defended their judgement saying: "There was dust everywhere. It wasn't just two or three days of dust, it just felt as if you'd neglected that room for a while."

Strongly disagreeing, Simon argued their room had been meticulously cleaned before the guests had checked in, regardless of Jackie and Nigel standing by their point.

The critiques didn't stop there as Simon and Jackie sought additional clarification regarding the sleep score of seven. The feedback from Jackie and Nigel cited excessive noise and overpowering fabric softener smell as primary issues.

Simon retorted: "The important thing for us is that the bedding appears clean and doesn't smell bad so we were a little upset to receive a comment like that," reports the Mirror.

Four in a Bed

One Four in a Bed duo were not happy with their feedback (Image: CHANNEL 4)

Even though Nigel attributed it to personal preference, Simon reluctantly agreed as Ann hit back: "That is a weird complaint though."

In a separate private interview, an evidently disgruntled Ann criticised the harsh examination of their establishment as she reeled: "They were just being nit-picky about every little thing. It was utterly ridiculous, the things that they came up with."

When it came to tallying up the payments from each guest, one team had overpaid by £2 while another had underpaid by the same amount. However, Simon and Ann were not pleased with Jackie and Nigel's underpayment of £18.

Jackie and Nigel

Jackie and Nigel were under fire for their scores (Image: CHANNEL 4)

Jackie justified their decision, stating: "We had a broken toilet seat, there was no toilet brush. Then with regards to cleanliness, it was mainly the dust."

Ann interjected, dismissing their complaints as she commented: "I think it's quite petty."

Despite Nigel's assurance that they would have paid in full if not for these issues, Ann replied: "You underpaid everybody, you would not have paid us so that's not true."

Simon expressed his disappointment at the underpayment, although they stood by the price they paid.

Tensions were at an all-time high during the payment day episode

Tensions were at an all-time high during the payment day episode (Image: CHANNEL 4)

In a separate interview, Ann further criticised the other B&B owners' conduct in the competition, saying: "Nigel and Jackie didn't get this far by playing fair."

Simon concurred, adding: "The fact that they underpaid everybody just shows how desperate they were to win the competition."

Ultimately, Jackie and Nigel emerged as the winners of the show, receiving applause from all teams except Ann and Simon.

Four in a Bed is available to watch on All4.

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