MH370 report: What does final report on Malaysia flight reveal - SHOCK BOMBSHELL

MISSING Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 is no longer being searched for, however a report into the disappearance has been released with shocking details as told by Dr Kok Soo Chon head of the investigation team.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Sarah Nor

Sarah Nor, the mother of Norliakmar Hamid, a passenger on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 (Image: EPA)

Earlier this year a four-year search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 was called off as 125,000sq km of the Indian Ocean was explored with no findings. 

The Malaysia Airlines plane was travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it disappeared in March 2014, with 239 people – mostly from China – on board.

There have been only three confirmed fragments of MH370 found, all of them on western Indian Ocean shores.

The parts included a two-metre wing part known as a flaperon.

When asked why it has taken so long for the report into the disappearance to be published head of the investigative team Kok Soo Chon said: “This is a very difficult question so far, it is maybe the most difficult.”

He told the press conference that a 600-page report was published one year after the plane vanished, however this underwent checks and verifications. 

“After that we are able to come up with findings and analysis and conclusion,” he said.

There were multiple reasons for the delay in publication, one of which being that as new information was found the report had to change. 

“It’s a dynamic document," Kok added.

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Speaking to the conference Kok Soo Chon said: “We cannot release our document, no matter how ready we are, when the search is still going on.”

“It won’t be satisfactory to everybody,” but seven countries so far have endorsed the report.

There had been some upset about the fact that families of passengers on board MH370 had only found out 48hours prior to the report conference that it was going to go ahead. 

This has meant that some famiiies were unable to make it to Malaysia.

Kok Soo Chon

Kok Soo Chon, leader of the investigation team speaks during a media briefing in Putrajaya (Image: REUTERS)

Kok told the conference that his team was responsible for the safety report alone.

“We are not even responsible for the arrangement of this hall,” he said.

“We are only told come here at 2:30, meet and brief the press. I did not know the NOK [next of kin] were informed 48 hours ago... I regret this.”

“I can tell you it’s not fair, it’s not fair,” he added. “But there’s nothing I can do.”

The official report

The official report into MH370's disappearance was published today (Image: REUTERS)

Perhaps the most upsetting and shocking part of the report for relatives of those onboard was that we may never know why the plane disappeared.

“We cannot determine with any certainty the reason the plane diverted from its planned route,” says Kok Soo Chon.

“The team is unable to determine the real reason for the disappearance.”

One reason for this is that MH370’s emergency locator transmitters (ELT) all malfunctioned.

News conference in Malaysia

The panel at the news conference took questions from relatives and reporters (Image: REUTERS)

ELTs are designed to transmit distress signals, which could have been an aid in locating the plane, however all four ELT devices onboard MH370 failed.

The report shows that all of the batteries in the ELTs were well within their expiry dates, however it also revealed that a landing in water could have caused the malfunction. 

“There have been reported difficulties with ELT signals if an aircraft enters the water ... In these instances, the ELT does not activate, or the transmission is ineffective as a result of being submerged.”

Also mentioned in the conference was the fact that MH370 was carrying 4,566 kg of mangosteens and 221 kg of lithium-ion batteries.

These were being transported in the cargo hold, and have been speculated that this could have caused a fire that led to the crash.

However, today's report rejects this theory – but the only analysis has been based on previous battery and mangosteen shipments.

Looking at details show that the shipment of batteries did not pass through an x-ray, as  “there were no available x-ray machines large enough”.

When asked about potential third party interference Kok said “we have done analysis and we have come up with findings.

"We have examined the pilot, the flight officer, we are quite satisfied with the background, training, of the officers.”

But he added; “We cannot deny that there was a turn back. We are not ruling out any possibility.”

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