EUROZONE ON BRINK: Fragile Italy 'WEAKENS' euro warns panicked IMF

ITALY’S weak economy and “political uncertainties” have “weakened” the euro, according to the latest report published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Lorenzo Marsili: The Eurozone needs drastic reform

The IMF, in its “External Sector Report” have linked Rome's financial fragility to a series of factors and branded Italy "vulnerable".

The IMF’s report said access to credit "lower than desirable and weak investments pushed the current account balances upwards, masking problems of competitiveness".

The report, into macroeconomic imbalances of international economies, argued Rome "remains vulnerable to market volatility".

This weakness "is linked to the great refinancing needs of the sovereign and banking debt and to the potentially restrictive credit conditions, due to the still high stock of NPL in the banking sector".

NPL are non-performing loans, which are borrowed money upon which the debtor hasn’t made a scheduled payments wishing the usual 90 to 180 days. 

The report added: “This is why our country must continue reorganising the accounts and reducing bank overdrafts to improve its competitiveness.”

To “help strengthen growth”, the IMF called for a series of “structural reforms.”

It continued: “Strengthening banks' balance sheets will be crucial to improve competitiveness, increase growth potential and reduce weaknesses.

“Progress in fiscal consolidation will be useful in reducing external weaknesses and maintaining the confidence of investors.

”Italy's external position in 2017 is broadly in line with desirable fundamentals and policies. 

eurozone news italy weakens euro IMF report ESR

Italy's weak economy and 'political uncertainties' have 'weakened' the euro, said the IMF (Image: GETTY)

“However, improving competitiveness would help to boost growth, consistent with the reduction of high unemployment and public debt by safeguarding external budgets."

Italy is not the only country which needs to polish up its finances.

The report said that the whole eurozone needs ”policies are needed to strengthen banking, fiscal, labor market and regulatory integration to strengthen investments in the euro area and reduce external imbalances”.

The weakening of the euro comes not only from internal problems but also from factors external to the bloc.

The IMF report said: “Meanwhile, asymmetries in competitiveness among euro area members, if unaddressed, pose risks to the currency block and the global economy. 

eurozone news italy weakens euro IMF report ESR

Italy and the stability of euro are tightly linked (Image: GETTY)

“While persistent unbalanced domestic demand in China could result in an abrupt growth slowdown and a resurgence of its excess external imbalances.”

Indeed Italy and the stability of euro are tightly linked, as demonstrated by the turmoil into which the European currency was thrown following the months of political uncertainty that follows the March 4 election.

The day after the vote, which ended in a hung parliament, the euro fell by 0.3 percent against the dollar.

And in May, the euro slumped to a five-month low amid fears the new government could seek debt forgiveness from European creditors.

(Additional reporting by Maria Ortega)  

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