Thai cave rescue: RACE AGAINST TIME as weather map shows THUNDERSTORM to hit in HOURS

THAI authorities are battling against time in their attempt to save 12 young footballers and their coach from a submerged cave, with a thunderstorm set to hit the region in just hours.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Thai Cave rescue: A race against water as more rain forecasted

Authorities are examining all possible ways to rescue the members of the Wild Boar football team, who were found alive on Monday, a staggering nine days after they disappeared into the Tham Luang Nang Non cave.

But they are to face yet another complication as meteorologists have forecasted a series of thunderstorms to hit Chiang Rai, the Thai province where the cave is located.

The first storm is set to hit the province as early as by 6am local time tomorrow (9pm GMT today), and water will be pouring down over the whole weekend and into next week.

Meteorologists have foreseen as many as four millimetres of rain falling on Sunday and nine on next Monday alone. 

The governor of the province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, said: "In the previous days we were fighting with time.

“And now we are working against water.”

This rainfall will badly increase the risk to the team, as it will raise water levels a potentially submerge the small underground island they have been sheltering on, four kilometres deep inside the cave.

Pumps are working nonstop to reduce the water level, expelling an immense volume of water, but despite the efforts, the narrow passages remain under water. 

thai cave rescue thailand football team cave latest update rescue weather forecast thailand thunderstorm

Meteorologists foresaw as many as four millimetres of rain falling on Sunday and nine on Monday (Image: GETTY/EPA)

The 13, who have been trapped underground for almost two weeks, are too weak and unexperienced to dive or swim out of the cave.

And even if they could, they would face muggy waters, which would lower their visibility and make their efforts even greater.

Channel News Asia’s Glenda Chong explained the challenges the boys and their 25-year-old coach would face if the authorities decided to lead them out via diving.

She said: “What’s being considered now is getting the group to dive out but this poses major risks.

“First thing is the water flow is very strong in some parts. It’s also muggy, meaning visibility is practically zero. 

thai cave rescue thailand football team cave latest update rescue weather

The 13 have been trapped underground for almost two weeks now (Image: EXPRESS)

“A confined space, that’s also an issue because in some areas it is so narrow that divers had to take their tanks off to squeeze through.

“Most of these young boys don’t know how to swim, let alone dive.

“Rescue teams are now giving them crash courses.

“A starting rope which is already in place should help. It can guide each boy and his rescue diver out.

“Alternatively, rescue divers can position themselves along the route passing the boys. 

Thai Cave rescue: An incredibly daunting task, says expert

thai cave rescue thailand football team cave latest update rescue weather

Thai divers gather before they enter to the Tham Luang cave (Image: REUTERS)

“And they’re also likely to position oxygen tanks at regular intervals to ensure enough air supply.

“Still, the entire ordeal is expected to take three hours or more for each boy."

The escape route has already proved much even for experienced divers.

Samarn Poonan, a former member of Thailand's elite navy SEAL unit, died on Thursday night after entering the cave to lay oxygen tanks along a potential exit route.

The cause of death is believed to have been lack of oxygen. 

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