US and Israel join forces to exploit Iran's WEAKNESS and 'encourage' protests- report says

THE United States and Israel have created a “joint working group” to support Iran’s dissidents and “encourage” protests against Tehran, a bombshell report claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Ex CIA officer: Trump's Iran sanctions will lead to war

Representatives of Washington and Israel have been meeting for months in a bid to support groups against Iran’s government, according to Israeli officials.

American news outlet Axios published a report from Israeli journalist Barak Ravid, who was briefed by Israeli officials about the attempt of the White House and Israel to challenge Iran.

The report said: “Israel and the United States formed a joint working group a few months ago that is focused on internal efforts to encourage protests within Iran and pressure the country's government.

“Two Israeli officials told me the team was formed as a part of the U.S.-Israeli framework document on countering Iran.” 

The report noted the group has met already "several times during the last few months" and is overseen by US National Security Advisor John Bolton and his Israeli counterpart Meir Ben-Shabbat.

It added: “Both Bolton and Ben-Shabbat think that raising internal pressure on the Iranian regime might have a positive influence on Iranian regional behavior.”

According to Axios, one of the Israeli official reassured “nobody is seriously thinking about regime change.”

But, he added, its working towards exploiting Tehran’s weaknesses, saying: “This team is trying to see if we can use the internal weaknesses of the Iranian regime in order to create more pressure that will contribute to changing Iranian behavior." 

US israel working group pressure protest iran john bolton mike pompeo

The US and Israel have created a “joint working group” to support Iran’s dissidents, it was claimed (Image: GETTY)

The bombshell report follows weeks of unrest in Iran, where groups of dissidents and citizens took to the streets to protest against the government.

On June 30 alone, Saudi-owned news outlet Al Arabiya shared videos showing protests erupting across several cities in the south-western area of Iran, reportedly calling for a change of regime.

The Axios report also pointed out leading members of the two countries have started using social media to convey “anti-regime messages to the Iranian people”.

The report said: “Netanyahu has recently posted four different videos on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter — translated to Farsi — in which he speaks to the Iranian people and encourages them to protest against the regime. 

US israel working group pressure protest iran john bolton mike pompeo

US National Security Advisor John Bolton (Image: GETTY)

US israel working group pressure protest iran john bolton mike pompeo

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote a series of tweets supporting the protesters in Iran (Image: TWITTER)

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo wrote a series of tweets supporting the protesters in Iran, criticizing mass arrests of protesters by the Iranian regime and highlighting the regime's growing funding of the Revolutionary Guards Corps as controversy build over Iran's domestic spending.”

This series of protests follows the turmoils registered in December and January 2018, when some 75 provincial Iranian cities and towns called for a change.

In that occasion, State Department’s spokeswoman Heather Nauert condemned the arrest of peaceful protesters.

She added: “We urge all nations to publicly support the Iranian people and their demands for basic rights and an end to corruption.”

Tensions are rising have been rising starkly between Tehran and the White House following Donald Trump’s latest threat to “reduce to zero” Iran’s oil exports and the May 8 decision to pull out from the Iran nuclear deal. 

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