Merkel’s alliance could TEAR APART as sister party blasts Chancellor’s ‘fundamental error’

ANGELA Merkel’s political future is hanging by a thread after she made what a leading politician called a “fundamental error” on immigration.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Merkel has FRACTURED Europe claims Carole Malone

Markus Soder, the Christian Social Union (CSU) prime minister of the German state of Bavaria, weighed in on the immigration row engulfing Mrs Merkel.

The crisis was sparked by fellow CSU member Horst Seehofer, who became Angela Merkel’s interior minister as she tried to juggle a coalition alliance to retain the Christian Democratic Union’s (CDU) grip on power.

Mr Seehofer demanded Germany turn away migrants at the border if they do not have the correct paperwork – a much tougher line than Mrs Merkel had previously taken.

With her leadership so fragile, she has been forced to listen and consider amendments from her opposition.

And in a blistering comment piece published in German daily Die Welt, Mr Soder branded Mrs Merkel’s immigration policies “a fundamental error” which “we have a change.” 

The CSU fulfils a mission as a bourgeois conservative party that extends far beyond Bavaria

Markus Soder

Germany and Europe, he added, needed a “real turnaround immigration policy”.

And he hinted at the possibility the CSU could break the 70-year long alliance with its sister party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) led by Mrs Merkel.

This move would put the two parties on a collision course and set up the CSU as a rival to its one-time partner.

Mr Soder wrote: "The CSU fulfils a mission as a bourgeois conservative party that extends far beyond Bavaria. 

angela merkel germany news horst seehofer csu crisis immigration eu summit

Angela Merkel's immigration policy was a 'fundamental error' said CSU leading politician (Image: GETTY)

“It is the force that speaks plainly and acts with credibility.”

The CSU currently holds 46 seats in the Bundestag and a withdrawal from the government coalition would see Mrs Merkel losing her majority in parliament.

Mr Seehofer has always been fiercely critical of Mrs Merkel’s immigration policy.

But the rift between the two leaders widened when, earlier this month, he pushed for police forces to have the power to turn away undocumented migrants at the border if they are already registered in another European Union state member. 

angela merkel germany news horst seehofer csu crisis immigration eu summit

Horst Seehofer demanded Germany turn away migrants at the border, stirring his relations with Merkel (Image: GETTY)

His plan would reduce secondary migration, which sees immigrants transferring from the country of arrival to another EU state.

But the Chancellor is opposed to such measure, saying the country would follow EU regulations over immigration.

On June 18, after days of clashes between Mrs Merkel and Mr Seehofer, who was even heard saying at a meeting he “could not work with the woman anymore”, the Chancellor was granted two weeks to find a solution with EU member states.

But, the CSU warned, if she came back to Germany without new and harsher immigration rules, Mr Seehofer would implement his plan by July 1. 

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