Guatemala Volcano update: Why was the eruption so violent? Expert opinion

EXCLUSIVE: Guatemala's Volcán de Fuego erupted explosively on June 3, sending cascades of pyroclastic lava down the volcano’s slopes. Currently, the death toll stands at 100, with ash covering nearby towns and burying coffee plantations. Why was the eruption so violent?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Guatemala volcano: Hundreds of people still missing

Volcán de Fuego, which means Volcano of Fire in Spanish, has erupted frequently since beginning a new active period in 2002. 

The volcano lies 25 miles west of capital Guatemala City and is the most active volcano in the central American country. 

Ash has frequently fallen on communities closest to the volcano during its active periods, however, this eruption is the most powerful since 1974.

Rapid pyroclastic flows have decimated nearby towns and villages, as well as consuming the coffee farms that thrived on the volcano’s slopes.

Fuego spewing lava and rescue workers

Fuego's eruption has been catastrophic to Guatemala, with the death toll standing at 109 (Image: NC)

Rescue workers have been battling with the ash and debris to find those trapped after Sunday’s eruption, but searches have been intermittent due to dangerous conditions for rescue workers. 

The death toll has been steadily rising since the eruption on Sunday, June 3, and now stands at 100 according to the Guatemalan disaster agency CONRED. 

What caused Volcan de Fuego's eruption to be so violent?

XRF Geochemist Dr Tom Knott told “The magnitude and explosivity ‘violence’ of an eruption is primarily driven by the composition of the magma.

Volcanic rocks and mud on the ground

Towns have been decimated by flows of volcanic ash and debris (Image: REUTERS)

“Volcan de Fuego is an example of a stratovolcano. Here the magma is of a more ‘felsic’ composition, much higher silicate content, resulting in a ‘stickier’ more viscous magma. 

“As magma of this type ascends to the surface via a volcanic conduit any dissolved volatiles rapidly expand within the melt but struggle to escape. 

"This leads to an intense build-up of pressure resulting in a much more explosive and violent eruption.”

This different volcano and lava make-up have caused Fuego’s eruption to be far more violent and deadly than Hawaii’s Kilauea. 

Fuego with smoke plumes

Volcan de fugo emitting plumes of ash (Image: REUTERS)

The pressure and speed with which Fuego erupted and the sticky lava have caused havoc for Guatemala.

What is a pyroclastic flow?

Lava flows in Hawaii have been relatively slow, meaning in most cases locals have been able to be evacuated before the lava becomes a problem. 

However, the differing composition of Fuego’s magma has caused a pyroclastic flow to cascade at speed down the slopes of the volcano, making it impossible to outrun.

“A pyroclastic flow or pyroclastic density current (PDC) is composed of hot gas, glass shards, ‘ash’, fragments of lava, and fragments of surrounding rock shattered during the eruption,” said Dr. Knott. 

“These can be extremely devastating, transporting extremely hot gases and rock at up to 450 miles-per-hour and depositing thick piles of hot ash in valleys and low-lands within minutes of arrival. 

“This certainly is not the same as a ‘lava-flow’ which is a flow of liquid magma along the ground.”

Fuego’s magma has completely encased whole villages and farmland, leaving a layer of dense mud and ash in its wake.

However, the dangers are not over once the eruption has ceased, unstable conditions halted rescue workers yesterday, as the area they were working in became too treacherous for them to continue looking for survivors and victims.

 Dr Knott said: “The deposits from this eruption ash can be very unstable and easily mobilised. 

“Therefore any associated rainfall can cause the reworking of this ash as ‘muddy’ density currents or lahars that can have a devastating effect even after the primary eruption has ceased.”

The rescue efforts have since continued as the landscape settled, with nearly 200 people reported missing.

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