Guatemala volcano eruption: How Hawaii volcano Kilauea and Fuego COMPARE

TWO explosive volcanoes have caused devastation in recent weeks, with Kilauea on Hawaii’s Big Island and Volcan de Fuego in Guatemala killing at least 85 people in its most recent eruption. How do the two volcanoes compare? What makes them different?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Kilauea volcano's lava spread

Kilauea and Fuego are shaped and behave differently (Image: GETTY)

There seems to be a season of volcanic activity of late, with Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupting lava for over a month.

Volcan de Fuego, which means "Volcano of Fire," exploded violently on Sunday, shooting thick plumes of ash miles into the sky that rained down on residents and sending superheated pyroclastic and lava flows barreling through nearby towns.

Both volcanoes have caused devastation to the surrounding areas, burying homes and acres of land in their respective lava mixtures.

How do Kilauea and Fuego differ?

The volcanoes are different types, with Volcano de Fuego being a composite volcano and Kilauea a shield volcano.

A composite volcano has a tall conical shape, and Fuego is no exception - reaching 12,346 feet tall.

A shield volcano, on the other hand, is wide, but not as tall with Kileaua measuring just 4,000 feet tall.

Volcán de Fuego

Fuego’s eruptions are often explosive, blowing ash 47,000 feet into the air out of its main vent.

Fuego's summit

Volcán de Fuego has a more conical shape and spews pyroclastic flow (Image: GETTY)

This ash then combines with hot gas and rocks, to create whats known as a pyroclastic flow.

This pyroclastic flow spills down the mountainside, reaching speeds over 50mph.

The speed and heat cover and destroys everything in its path, killing any who are unfortunate enough to be in the way.

In Guatemala pyroclastic flow has resulted in the destruction of many surrounding villages, killing 85 people.

Guatemala: New explosions from Fuego volcano

Pyroclastic flow hardens to dense mud once it has cooled.

Mount Kilauea

Kilauea’s eruptions differ from the explosive composite volcano, with lava travelling underground then erupting through the surface via cracks in the earth’s surface known as fissures.

Pressure can cause the lava to spurt through fissures at about 250 feet high.

With a consistency like that of maple syrup, Kilauea’s lava is slow moving - travelling at under half a mile per hour.

Once cool, the magma hardens into heavy rock.

Nearly 120 houses have been destroyed in Hawaii, as lava has decimated the landscape.


The only main similarity between the two volcanoes is that both are continuing to cause dangers for nearby residents.

Hawaii Volcano: Aerial view of huge smoke BLAZE

Should heavy rain fall in Guatemala, Volcán de Fuego’s volcanic mud covered slopes could trigger deadly landslides called Lahars.

Kilauea continues to erupt, with violent fissure 8 spewing lava, spreading towards the coast and into the ocean at Kapoho Bay.

As the lava meets the ocean, toxic plumes known as laze rise as a result of the heat of magma boiling seawater.

Laze is a mixture of fine glass particles, hydrochloric acid mist, and steam, and can cause skin and eye irritation as well as lung damage.

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