Guatemala volcano eruption map: Where is the evacuation area? Is it still dangerous?

GUATEMALA’S Fuego volcano erupted on Sunday, with the biggest eruption to shake the country in more than 40 years. Known as the Volcano of Fire, Fuego has decimated homes, but where is the evacuation area? Is the volcano still dangerous?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Guatemala: Residents scream as Fuego ash rapidly engulfs road

The most violent eruption in more than four decades, Mount Fuego’s latest eruption has so far seen the death toll rise to at least 99, according to a Guatemalan official.

Rescue workers are having to struggle through ash and mud to find victims, as landslides partially covered buildings and trees.

Guatemala’s main international airport has since closed, as ash rains down across thousands of acres of land, mostly coffee farms across the volcano’s slopes.

The country’s national coffee association have said that due to this, an estimated 0.91 percent of Guatemala’s coffee production has been lost.

Since the eruption, new explosions and pyroclastic flow have continued from the volcano, as the amount of dead and injured rises.

Pyroclastic flow is an explosion of lava, rocks and ash which pour down the side of a volcano, burying everything in its wake.

Whilst unlike other flows this one does not glow the way molten lava does, the danger of being caught in its path is undeniable.

Where is the Fuego volcano evacuation area?

Cloud of ash and debris raining down from Fuego

Fuego volcano continues to belch ash and debris, covering nearby farmland and villages (Image: AFP/GETTY)

Ash from the explosive eruption has fallen onto the capital, Guatemala City, as well as regions of Sacatepequez, Chimaltenango and Escuintla.

More than 3,000 people have been evacuated away from these areas, which may extend further should any more activity occur.

Landslides continue to threaten to halt rescues, as one on the southern slopes of Fuego caused new evacuations.

Residents found themselves covered in ash as they fled to emergency shelters, some of which were churches.

Map of ash and volcanic emissions

'Tefra' shows the volcanic emissions (rock and lava), 'ceniza' is ash distribution (Image: INSIVUMEH Guatemala)

Guatemala volcano expert: You CAN'T outrun a pyroclastic flow

Guatemalan president Jimmy Morales declared today there would be three days of national mourning for those killed following the eruption.

The nation is in “deep pain” due to “irreparable losses” in human life Morales said in a statement.

Guatemala’s disaster agency have said that 3,100 people have been evacuated in nearby communities, with an area of 1.7 million people affected by the eruption.

David de Leon, spokesman for the National Disaster Prevention Authority, said: "It is important to remain calm because the Fuego volcano erupts throughout the year."

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