‘It’s a financial coup!’ Five Star RAGES as President makes Italy ‘colony of Germany’

ITALY has become “a colony of Germany”, according to a Five Star MEP who lashed out after President Sergio Mattarella brought in his own unelected europhile Prime Minister to keep a eurozone crisis at bay.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Commentator: There is belief that Germany rules Italy

Mr Mattarella has handed Italy to the European Union, it has been claimed, after he stepped in to try and block the anti-establishment coalition between Five Star Movement (M5S) and Lega.

As the markets tumbled on Monday, Mr Mattarella vetoed their appointment of a eurosceptic finance minister, sparking political crisis.

Five Star’s prime minister Giuseppe Conte resigned in outrage, and in came Mr Mattarella's choice - former International Monetary Fund official Carlo Cottarelli.

In a blistering attack, M5S MEP Ignazio Corrao accused the president of committing a “financial coup”. 

Today Mattarella is denying the result of free elections and is declaring that Italy is a colony of Germany

M5S MEP Ignazio Corrao

He wrote on Twitter: “The Italian Constitution clearly says ‘the sovereignty belongs to the people’, not to financial markets.

“Today #Mattarella is denying the result of free elections and is declaring that Italy is a colony of Germany.

“It’s a financial coup!

“Help us. Stand up for Italian democracy!”

Mr Corrao’s words were echoed by leading anti-EU politician Nigel Farage, who said Italian’s democracy “has been traduced” by the president’s move.

According to Mr Farage, who spoke during a European Parliament plenary session today, President Mattarella was bullied into going against Italian voters’ wishes. 

italy election crisis five star lega M5S euro eurozone EU

A Five Star Movement MEP accused President Mattarella of turning Italy into a 'colony of Germany' (Image: GETTY)

During a debate on the EU’s budget, Mr Farage said: “Italy has been mentioned and they are net contributors to this budget.

“They question what the euro has done to their economy. They feel they are a victim of the European Union’s immigration policies.

“As a result of all this, they voted in a new government, only to find that bullying and hectoring from the European Commission has been listened to by the Italian President.

“In the last 48 hours, their democracy has been traduced. In the past you have managed to bully the Danes, you bullied the Irish, you bullied the Greeks into submission.

“I suspect with Italy today you have now bitten off more than you can chew. Bring on more elections and bigger eurosceptic victories.”

Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg also weighed in, saying that the situation “tells you all you need to know about the European elites’ suspicion of democracy and desire to thwart voters who have been impoverished by the ideology of the EU”. 

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President Mattarella rejected the nomination of Paolo Savona as economy minister on Sunday night because he feared his anti-euro ideas would have cost Italians their savings.

The move led Giuseppe Conte, the PM chose by Lega and M5S, to resign.

Both Lega leader Matteo Salvini and M5S political chief Luigi Di Maio blasted the president’s decision.

Mr Di Maio said: “We were a few steps away from forming a government and we were stopped because in our cabinet there was a minister who criticised the EU.”

And Mr Salvini accused the president of being biased and leaning towards the European Union.

He added: “In a democracy, if we are still in a democracy, there’s only one thing to do, let the Italians have their say.” 

italy election crisis five star lega M5S euro eurozone EU

President Mattarella vetoed the appointment of 81-year-old anti-euro economist Paolo Savona (Image: GETTY)

President Mattarella has asked Carlo Cottarelli, a former International Monetary Fund (IMF) official to form a technical government to last until 2019, after the approval of the country’s budget.

But the two eurosceptic parties, which together hold more than 50 per cent of the seats in parliament, are likely to back him for his pro-austerity past.

During his time at the IMF between 2008 and 2013, Mr Cottarelli backed severe austerity measures.

Among them, he recommended government cuts worth €32 billion, which included a squeeze on pensions.

This policy helped him gain the nickname “Mister Scissor”.  

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