Hawaii volcano satellite pictures: Latest eruptions captured on webcam

HAWAII’S Kilauea volcano is continuing to wreak havoc on Big Island with lava explosions growing increasingly more frequent and deadly. Latest pictures demonstrate the sheer scale of Mount Kilauea, as lava has now reached the ocean, causing toxic plumes to enter the air.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Reporter witnesses toxic gas emitting from Kilauea volcano

Toxic clouds of hydrochloric acid, steam, and fine glass particles are being thrown into the air as boiling, molten lava hits the Pacific Ocean. 

Known as laze, the US Geological Survey describe the toxic clouds as a “hot, corrosive, gas mixture”, which can cause skin and eye irritation as well as lung problems to those who breathe it in. 

One person has been injured by a solid lump of lava which hit him whilst he stood on the balcony of his third storey home.

This is the first serious injury reported, according to authorities, with a five-pound lava bomb exploding from a fissure just 200 yards from the house. 

Lava flows in Hawaii from Mount KilaueaGETTY

Mount Kilauea has caused misery for thousands of residents on Hawaii's Big Island

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports that an explosive eruption at Kilauea summit has occurred at 5:51 PM.

Hawaii Civil Defence

Hawaii’s Civil Defense released a statement at 6 pm Hawaii time to warn residents of the spreading lava and continuing explosive eruptions. 

The statement on their website reads: “Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports that an explosive eruption at Kilauea summit has occurred at 5:51 PM. The resulting ash plume may affect surrounding areas.

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports that eruptive lava activity at multiple fissures continues with one flow entering the ocean.  Fissure 22 continues to produce most of the lava feeding the flows.”

They also warn residents to be ready to evacuate the area “with little notice” due to encroaching lava and deadly gases.

Fissure 22 is continuing to produce lava fountains as high as 150ft into the air and USGS has named it as the most dominant fissure at this time. 

Right now, the immediate danger lies with Puna Geothermal Plant as lava has crept onto the site. The site provides around 35 percent of Big Island’s power.

Workers scrambled to close down the geothermal plant, to prevent the release of toxic gases.

Should lava hit the plant, the whole of Big Island would face a major meltdown and be left without power. 

Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano SPLITS road in half

In near-constant eruption for the last 35 years, Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes that make up Hawaii’s Big Island. 

The current explosive eruption has been occurring since May 3, with worsening conditions meaning around 2,000 residents have been evacuated from their homes. 

Damage to property stands at around 40 structures so far, many of these homes, which have been incinerated by the molten lava.

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