EU debate LIVE 'There's NO European identity' Farage RIPS APART Juncker in astounding rant

JEAN-Claude Juncker will attempt to hold a creaking EU together today as he attempts to push through a TRILLION EURO budget which has set European nation against European nation.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Farage: People of Europe do not identify with EU flag

Main points

  • Belgium’s Prime Minister gives Future of Europe speech
  • Jean-Claude Juncker attempts to get backing for £1trillion budget
  • Guy Verhofstadt says more Europe is needed and bloc can’t rely on France and Germany 
  • Nigel Farage goes on rant declaring Belgium is not a country 
  • Row erupts as Brexiteer says ‘I’m the turkey that voted for Christmas’
  • Greek MEP claims the EU doesn't support democracy
  • Belgium's PM says the EU 'speaks too little about Lybia' and addresses security issues across the bloc
  • President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani thanks MEPs and Belgium's PM for the 'lively debate'

The EU Parliament’s plenary session resumes today with europhile Prime Minister of Belgium Charles Michel taking the stage to have his say on the future of Europe – but the day is likely to be overshadowed by Juncker’s future budget proposal, branded as a non-starter by many EU state members yesterday.

European Commission President Mr Juncker’s idea of raising the EU funds to a €1.3 trillion (£1.1 trillion) for the next budgetary period was immediately dismissed by many of the 27 nations.

The blueprint for the 2021-2027 budget of the European Union was an attempt to compromise between the European Parliament’s need to increase the bloc’s expenditure to 1.3 per cent of the EU’s GNI (Gross National Income) and the stark opposition to lend more money to the bloc by some countries.

Mr Juncker introduced the draft proposal as “an ambitious but balanced budget, one that is fair for all”.

He added: “It is a realistic budget. 

“Any budget is important, but the current one is still more important than the previous one because it will decide the future of Europe at 27…and the legacy for a forthcoming generation.”

But the leaders of the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Austria rushed to oppose to the proposal, with only Germany and France claiming they were willing to pay more.

The discussion over the financial future of the bloc is set to continue in the afternoon, when the Commission will make a statement on its proposals for the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) that will provide the EU the means to finance its annual budget. 

This is a live story, update to see the latest development of the meeting

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Nigel Farage blasted MEPs during the European Parliament's plenary session

10.32am UPDATE: President Tajani : "We are working for you"

The President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani thanked Mr Michel and all the MEPs for the debate.

He said: "We held today a true, lively debate on the future of Europe today.

"More than 40 members have put their questions rather than just holding speeches, and I believe this is a good model to follow."

Wrapping up, he added in reference to one of the key issues discussed during the debate: "We all need to work together to defend our citizens' right".

He concluded the session at 10.36am, saying "Thank you to all our citizens, we are working for you". 

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Belgium Prime Minister Charles Michel and EU Parliament President Antonio Tajani

10.26am UPDATE: Mr Michel: "I hold the Schengen area dear"

PM Michel addressed the second round of questions asked by MEPs, focused on unity, border control and Brexit. 

Mr Michel said he believes in free trade "as long as there is reciprocity" and they consider the social issues of the countries involved. 

He later spoke about the possibility of Western Balkans countries to join the union, saying that the EU could be vital in stabilising the area. 

There is the need, he said, of talks similar to the one held by Michel Barnier for Brexit, on this issue. 

The PM also said he "holds the Schengen area dear", and to keep it alive there is the need to guarantee border protection and security and create better policies to manage migration. 

10.15am UPDATE: "Catalan politicians are in jail because they allowed their citizens to vote"

Mr Michel's speech focused on democracy and freedom was blasted by a Spanish MEP, who asked him to address the current situation in Catalonia. 

10.11am UPDATE: Do people with disabilities have a place in Europe? 

In the second round of questions to Mr Michel, the Belgian PM is asked why in the EU there seems to be no space for people with disabilities.

Their issues, it was argued, are not often discussed. 


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Mr Michel's speech follows yesterday's introduction to a draft budget by Mr Juncker

10.02am UPDATE: Mr Michel: "We talk too little about Libya" 

Mr Michel addressed concerns about international security, saying that the relations between Russia and the EU are extremely important as rising tensions with Moscow could lead to important consequences.

He then moved to speak about terrorist attacks. 

Referring to the many terrorist attacks that hit Belgium in the last years, Mr Michel said he knows very well how devastating terrorism can be, and that he believes that cooperation of national forces can help tackle this issue.

9.58am UPDATE: MEPs asks for more safety for EU citizens

MEPs asked in a round of question what Mr Michel believes the Union should do to keep its citizens safe, calling for a common anti-terrorism policy and more control on the Greek border. 

9.54am UPDATE: Mr Tarabella: "We need to be ambition and that needs more resources" 

Marc Tarabella, Belgium's MEP, hit out at his PM saying that it is mandatory for all countries to act quickly, spend more and increase the unity of the bloc. 

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Mr Michel addresses MEPs concern over terrorism and security across the bloc

9.47am UPDATE: Belgian PM says his country wants to remain in "the cockpit of this project"

Mr Michel thanked the MEPs for the lively and intense debate and made clear that Belgium wants to remain in the cockpit of the European projects. 

Echoing Mr Verhofstadt's speech, he said that "history have shown that cooperation guarantees liberty, democracy and prosperity".

9.45am UPDATE: Belgian PM replies to Mr Farage

Mr Michel took the time to reply to all the MEPs who commented on his speech, and explained Belgium’s policies on the environment, nuclear power and finance.

He also replied to Mr Farage, thanking him “for his piece of advice” over Belgium.

He also said the EU is not ignoring Brexit, and added that Belgium wants to have "a credible negotiation and maintain close links with the UK".

9.35am UPDATE: Georgios Epitidios says the EU is non-democratic

Greek far-right politician Georgios Epitidios blasted the EU saying it doesn’t support democracy, bringing as an evidence the fact that the EU is open to a dialogue with Turkey concerning Ankara joining the bloc. 

Nigel Farage tells Brussels: Belgium is NOT a nation

9.30am UPDATE: Farage: "I am the turkey that voted for Christmas"

Mr Tajani commented Mr Farage's remark about MEPs happily receiving a salary from EU citizens, pointing out that, as a British MEP, he also gets paid.

But Mr Farage said that, by supporting Vote Leave and Brexit, he gave up to his salary.

He said: "I am the turkey that voted for Christmas". 

9.27am UPDATE: Farage: "Belgium is not a nation"

Belgium, Mr Farage said, is not a nation, is divided and that is why its PM care so much about the EU. 

But, he added, "Brexit is just the first brick in the wall" and recent elections showed that EU citizens are fed up with the bloc. 

9.22am UPDATE: Nigel Farage: "You don't want to speak about Brexit"

British MEP Nigel Farage attacked the Parliament saying that "no one has addressed the biggest event happened in the history of the EU, Brexit". 

He said that the answers brought to the EU Parliament to every problem within the bloc is always "we need more Union", whereas is clear "citizens don't feel the same".

He added: "People of Europe do not identify with this flag, there is not a European identity".

9.20am UPDATE: “Divide is growing ever greater within the EU”

Gabriele Zimmer, German MEP, addressed Parliament saying that there are contradiction within the bloc, and that there are areas of great poverty and inequalities.

She spoke about a situation of “social devastation” in the union, which turns people indifferent to the EU.

Juncker praises 'great European values' in Brussels

9.16am UPDATE: Green MEP Mr Lamberts hit out at Mr Michel

Mr Lamberts then attacked the Belgian president, saying he claimed to be in favour of a greener EU, but his own country lost credibility when it arrived at the Paris convention on the environment without a set plan.

The Belgian politician then added, referring to the government coalition between the nationalist NVA party and Mr Michel’s pro-EU one, added: “Greens don’t hold power, not even you Mr president hold power, because you gave away the power to the NVA”

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Jean Claude Juncker saw his draft budget branded as a non-starter yesterday

9.12am UPDATE: Philippe Lamberts says Belgium is a "tax haven" for the rich 

Philippe Lamberts attacks Belgium PM claiming he doesn't tackle the unfair tax system in the country, which is a "tahavenen" for the rich. 

Guy VerhofstadtREUTERS

Guy Verhofstadt spoke to the EU Parliament

9.07am UPDATE: Mr Verhofstadt: "Europe is getting smaller as Britain is leaving"

We need more Europe, not less Europe these days, Mr Verhofstadt claimed. 

Attacking those claiming that following Brexit the EU budget should be smaller, he said that money is wasted at a national level, not an European one. 

He added: "Even the Franco-German motor won't be able to work for long without the lubricant", countries pushing for more integration. 

Guy Verhofstadt: We need more Europe, not less

9.05am UPDATE: Guy Verhofstadt says the EU is under threat

He added: "What is typically Belgium is our passion for the European project, which is under threat today, not because of nationalists or populist but for what is going on in terms of national political leaders."

These politicians "display themselves as pro-Europeans but don't do anything to move the bloc forward". 

9.01am UPDATE: Guy Verhofstadt ATTACKS Mr Loones 

Thanking Mr Michel for his speech, Mr Verhofstadt attacked Mr Loones, claiming that he misunderstood the speech of Mr Michel. 

The pro-EU MEP spoke about Belgium being the battlefield of Europe through history.

He claimed that "only Europe could save Belgium and other nations from the misery of the past".

EU debate LIVE update Juncker Future of EuropeEU PARLIAMENT

Mr Juncker spoke to Parliament this morning

8.59am UPDATE: Sander Loones, Belgium MEP, speaks about immigration

Mr Loones said Belgium is on the "right side of the argument" as it doesn't support indiscriminately open borders, which "led many parties to lose elections across the EU"

8.56am UPDATE: Sander Loones, Belgium MEP, speaks to Parliament

Belgium's European Conservatives and Reformists Group leader Mr Loones speaks about a healthy competition between him and Mr Michel, who called for more unity whereas his party wants to approach the EU in a different way. 
Speaking about the EU budget, he said that Belgium is a "net payer". 

08:50am update: Manfred Weber says Europe needs regions

Mr Weber ended his speech saying that "Europe has no future if it doesn't start from the roots"

08:46am update: Manfred Weber says European identity begins in our schools

Manfred Weber speaking to the parliament said: "Belgian is at the heart of Europe - what a big ambition.

"Today I want to focus on the foundations. Our identities are not based solely on national culture - European identity begins in our schools, Europe is really deeply rooted in our regions. It’s about feeling and community."

The MEP from German's region Bavaria added that "Europe he built on diversity", and changes can start from regions. 

He called for a "distribution of competence" across regions, which would enhance their power at a local level. 

Weber: We don't want to preserve our regions like museums

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Manfred Weber speaking to Parliament

 8.44am UPDATE: Manfred Weber speaks to Parliament 

The German MEP thanked Belgium PM for his speech.

He then moved to speak about the importance of regions within the EU.

He said: "Europe is rooted in every regions.

"Regions are the place where we grow up, define and shape our personalities and identities.

"European identitiesstarts in our local schools."

Regional diversity, he added, makes Europe unique in the world. 

Juncker praises Belgium PM for ‘dedication to EU cause’

8.35am UPDATE: Juncker speaks to Parliament

Mr Juncker thanked Mr Michel and Belgium for the country's commitment to the EU. 

But he defended his budget proposal that Mr Michel said could threaten the growth of the union. 

He said the proposal "do deserve consideration." 

Nevertheless he said the EU can trust Belgium as it is in line to Brussels' idea of Belgium.  

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Belgium PM called for more unity

8.10am UPDATE: Belgium's PM Charles Michel speaks 

Speaking to the plenary session, Belgium PM Mr Michel said Mr Juncker's plan was a good starting point but added that Belgium will not tolerate any added expenditure that could cripple the financial health of the bloc. 

Saying the social development comes together with economic growth, Mr Michel urged the EU to consolidate its economic union and reach an agreement over the banking union.

In a speech that echoed the one held by French President Emmanuel Macron to the US Congress earlier this month, Mr Michel also asked single countries to fight in favour of multilateralism to "win the hearts and minds of our European citizens" who lost faith in the bloc.

He said that the EU must work to achieve "prosperity, security and European values".

The citizens, he said, should be "at the heart of our discussion". 

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