‘Huge drama will unfold’ Trump just ’12 DAYS away from pulling out of Iran nuclear deal'

DONALD Trump will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal in 12 days, a senior Israeli official warned after revealing that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had informed the US President of the country's secret nuclear arms programmes weeks ago.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Netanyahu claims Iran lied as he exposes secret nuclear project

The claim follows yesterday’s prime-time televised statement by Mr Netanyahu, where he presented what he said were Iranian documents obtained in a daring Israeli intelligence operation.

The damning documentation claims Iran had been developing nuclear weapons before striking the 2015 deal with the US and five other world powers, including the UK.

As a result, he said Iran lied when agreeing the deal.

Tzachi Hanegbi, Israeli minister for regional development and a Netanyahu confidant, told the Israeli Army Radio that Mr trump is due to decide whether the US will quit the nuclear deal with Iran by May 12. 

In 12 days a huge drama will unfold. The American president will likely pull out of the deal

Tzachi Hanegbi, Israeli minister for regional development

"In 12 days a huge drama will unfold.

“The American president will likely pull out of the deal.”

Mr Hanegbi also claimed that Israel held this information on Iran since last year and had informed the US on March 5.

He added: ”What the prime minister did last night, was to give Trump ammunition against the European naivety and unwillingness regarding Iran."

Mr Netanyahu’s presentation would not prove that Iran breached the deal, International and Israeli experts said, but will help him pulling the US out of it. 

donald trump news iran nuclear deal israel Benjamin NetanyahuGETTY

Donald Trump will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal in 12 days, it was claimed

Mr Trump previously gave Britain, France and Germany, which also signed the Iran nuclear deal, a May 12 deadline to fix what he believes are its flaws.

He believes that the deal fails to address Teheran’s ballistic missile programme, the terms by which inspectors visit suspect Iranian sites, and "sunset" clauses under which some of its terms expire

If he won’t be happy with the three countries’ proposal he said he will reimpose economic sanctions on Iran.

Tehran, which denies ever pursuing nuclear weapons, dismissed Mr Netanyahu’s presentation as propaganda and called him "the boy who cried wolf”.

Both German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron defended the deal last week, when they met the US president.  

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