Syrian refugees in Germany are being SMUGGLED to Turkey, report reveals

SYRIAN refugees holding German residence permits are embarking on dangerous journeys - often with the help of smugglers - to travel to Turkey, an investigation has revealed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Thousands of Syrians brave freeze at Turkey border

The incredible claims were made in a programme on German television, which included a smuggler who claimed there are more refugees asking him to be carried to Turkey than from Ankara to Western countries.

As Germany doesn’t provide Syrian refugees with visas allowing them to go to Ankara, they are obliged to travel through risky routes to return to Turkey, the NDR report revealed.

Most of them legally reach Greece and then put their lives in the hands of smugglers, often in a desperate bid to reunite with their families.

Groups on social media outlets provide information to refugees on how to undertake their “reverse escapes”.

A short journey over river Evros, which divides Greece and Turkey, costs about €200 (£173), the report from German TV show “Panorama” revealed. 

Among the smugglers interviewed by the journalists conducting the investigative report, one confirmed that he carries up to 50 people into Turkey from Greece every day.

Dominik Bartsch, the German ambassador to the UN Refugee Commission, told Panorama: “The fact that refugees are using the same route to go to Turkey which they originally used to get to Germany is a paradox.”

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) said that around 4,000 Syrians have been reported as missing, and the programme suggests many of them may have travelled into Turkey.

The situation could worsen still, with the German Parliament set to discuss a draft law which would restrict refugee family reunifications, allowing only unmarried minor children, spouses and parents of minors already in Germany to enter the country. 

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Many Syrian refugees holding German residence permits are being smuggled to Turkey

And the right of reunification could be denied to people who are “dependent on welfare payments”, the draft reads.

The move would likely see more refugees travelling back to Turkey and the Middle East to meet with their families.

The politician behind this proposal is Horst Seehofer, Germany's conservative Interior Minister.

He told Panorama: “We are a free country, thank God. 

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Around 4,000 Syrians have been reported as missing by German BAMF

“Should we now control exits at the borders?”

Green Party refugee spokesperson Luise Amtsberg criticised the draft law.

She told Panorama: ”We have an agreement with Turkey, which says that we take in refugees to relieve Turkey.

“Yet on the other side, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection from Germany come back to Turkey be with their families, that's absurd."  

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