North Korea foreign minister heads to Sweden to discuss US Embassy

NORTH Korea’s foreign minister is heading to Sweden today to meet with the country’s counterpart in the first significant diplomatic move made by Pyongyang since US President Donald Trump declared to be willing to meet Kim Jong-un.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

North Korean propaganda film predicted Trump meeting

The two-day summit will see one of Pyongyang leading representatives Ri Yong Ho and Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom discussing the Swedish consular representation of the US, Canada and Australia in the North Korean territory, as Stockholm represent these countries’s interests on the hermit nation.

The Swedish government announced: “The talks will focus on Sweden’s consular responsibilities as a protecting power for the United States, Canada and Australia.

“They will also address the security situation on the Korean Peninsula, which is high on the Security Council agenda.”

For its pivotal role in the relationship between the US and North Korea, Sweden has been touted as a possible venue for the meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and Mr Trump. 

The trip to Sweden comes after chair of a European parliamentary delegation Nirj Deva told reporters that his group has been holding secret meetings with North Korea over the past three years to try to convince the country to return to peace talks. 

Speaking at a conference in Strasbourg, Mr Deva said that the group has been “relentlessly advocating the case for dialogue without preconditions.

"We met in secret with senior North Koreans on 14 occasions.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-unGETTY

Donald Trump accepted last week Kim Jong-un invitation to meet face-to-face

“We understood their concerns and they understood ours”.

Pyongyang has not so far made any official comment on the face-to-face meeting since Kim’s invitation, delivered verbally to the US by a South Korean delegation, was accepted.

Last week, South Korean official Chung Eui-yong declared that Pyongyang had written to Mr Trump to say Kim was “eager” to meet the US President. 

Ri Yong-Ho arriving at the airport in SwedenAFP/GETTY

Ri Yong-Ho, right, arriving at the airport in Sweden

Donald Trump later revealed on Twitter that the meeting between himself and the despot leader was “being planned”.

He wrote: “Kim Jong-un talked about denuclearisation with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze.

“Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time.

“Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!” 

Ri Yong Ho speaking to the UNGETTY

Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho is one of Pyongyang's leading representatives

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot WallstromGETTY

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom

White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders added that the meeting between Mr Trump and Kim Jong-un will take occur “at a place and time to be determined”. 

This summit between Ms Wallstrom and Mr Ri fuel the rumours that a Stockholm encounter is likely to happen.

Mr Ri is considered one of North Korean’s top diplomats and one of the few politicians known around the world. 

Ri Yong-Ho arriving at the airport in SwedenAFP/GETTY

This summit has sparked rumours the meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Kim may take place in Sweden

Last year he issued a dark threat following an heated exchange between Mr Kim and Mr Trump.

In September, the US president told to the UN General Assembly that he could “totally destroy” North Korea and called on Twitter Mr Kim a “madman" who would be "tested like never before."

Mr Ri responded calling Mr Trump “mentally deranged” and told journalist that his country’s president could order a hydrogen bomb test over the Pacific Ocean.

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