Italian election: How EU’s flawed migration policy sparked the rise of anti-establishment

ITALY could show their anger towards European Union’s migration policy in the upcoming election with a surge in votes for anti-establishment parties Five-Star Movement and Lega. 

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Italy's Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini vows to fight EU

A study conducted by the Italian Institute of International Affaires (IAI) highlighted how Italians have become more sceptical towards Europe, although the majority of those polled weren’t ready for an “Italexit”. 

More than a third of the participants asks for a reduction of the number of migrants reaching Italian borders and calls for their repatriation. 

The parties which better voiced this discontent with pledges in their manifestos and promises during the heated campaign, the Five-Star Movement and right-wing party Lega, are currently leading the preference polls. 

Matteo Salvini, leader of Lega told Italian daily newspaper Repubblica “Europe has been mocking Italy for years”.  

The EU has to help us providing money and men to defend our borders

Matteo Salvini, Lega leader

He lamented that because of the Dublin Regulation, which says asylum seekers are the responsibility of the first EU nation they arrive in, Italy is taking upon itself a too costly and dangerous burden. 

He said: “The EU has to help us providing money and men to defend our borders. 

“If Brussels won’t, we will do it by ourselves spending the five billion we currently use to maintain 178,000 asylum seekers.”

In another interview to TgCom24, Mr Salvini vowed to “make the borders ironclad from the Alps to Sicily and to increase the number of repatriation, as illegal immigration equals delinquency”. 

Luigi Di Maio and Matteo SalviniGETTY

Luigi Di Maio and Matteo Salvini's parties voice Italians' anger towards EU's migration policies

Five-Star Movement MP Giuseppe Brescia, chair of the Inquiry Committee focused on immigrants’ reception centres, also called for a greater collaboration from other EU’s countries. 

He said to Italian magazine Internazionale: “To handle the 600,000 illegal immigrants in Italy we need to invest more in cooperation and development, potentiate repatriation and introduce new legal way to enter our borders.” 

Latest voting projections show the Eurosceptic parties leading the preference polls. 

Luigi Di Maio’s Five-Star Movement is currently the single party receiving most support, firmly ahead with almost 28 per cent. 

Mr Salvini’s Lega is competing for the leadership of the centre-right wing coalition with Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, both currently standing around 15 per cent in the polls.  

Silvio Berlusconi and Antonio TajaniGETTY

Antonio Tajani has been chosen as Forza Italia’s candidate for prime minister by Silvio Berlusconi

Leading personalities from the establishment have also called for a change in the European Union’s migration policy. 

In a recent interview to Italian website, European Parliament president Antonio Tajani also raised then migration issue in the strongest terms.

He said: “Europe should repatriate all illegal immigrants and block new arrivals.”  

The EU president added: “We must prevent people from arriving at our borders by securing international deals with the nations the migrants come from.” 

Mr Tajani has been chosen as Forza Italia’s candidate for prime minister by Mr Berlusconi.  

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