Eurozone CRISIS: Italy hatches shocking plan to 'LEAVE euro' – and ECB 'APPROVES'

ITALY is secretly hatching plans to sideline the euro and set up a parallel currency.

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In a move that will spark fears across the EU of an “Italexit”, three of the country’s political parties are backing the introduction of “Fiscal Credit Certificates” as an alternative to the euro.

The complex plan has the approval of the European Central Bank.

Among the parties backing it is Silvio Berlosconi’s Forza Italia, which has enjoyed an astonishing comeback in the polls.

The revelation comes as Martin Schulz, the leader of Germany’s Social Democratic party who is tipped to become Chancellor Angela Merkel’s deputy, last week called for the creation of a United States of Europe by 2025. 

Silvio Berlusconi supports an alternative currencyGETTY

Former Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi supports plans for an alternative currency to the Euro

Fiscal Credit Certificates could replace the EuroGETTY / STOCK

Fiscal Credit Certificates could replace the Euro in Italy, a report says

If Italy does manage to leave the single currency, it is only a matter of time until it formally leaves the EU and the whole house of cards comes crashing down.

Diane James MEP

The certificates, known as CCFs, give workers and businesses tax breaks to boost income and productivity.

Although not legal tender, everybody can use them to pay taxes, buy government services or exchange them for goods or euros.

According to a report by global analyst GEFIRA, “It is highly likely that commercial operators, such as shops, will accept CCFs as an alternative to the euro.

"They can be used as a parallel currency.”

Independent MEP Diane James said: “If Italy does manage to leave the single currency, it is only a matter of time until it formally leaves the EU and the whole house of cards comes crashing down.”

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