'A moment to unite' Juncker calls on countries to rally round EU after Article 50

JEAN-Claude Juncker has called on Europeans to stick together - hours after Theresa May triggered Article 50.

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Speaking at the Citizens Dialogue in Malta, the President of the European Commission said it is time for the people of the EU to hold on to the Union, which he believes will bring them 

The ‘Citizen’s Dialogue’ was set up to “debate and reflect on the future of the EU”.

When asked how he would address young voters in 2019, Mr Juncker said the EU is small, and it is important for member states to rally around each other.

Jean Claude Juncker and Theresa MaySG

Jean Claude Juncker spoke after Theresa May triggered Article 50

Jean Claude JunckerSG

Mr Juncker speaking at the Citizens Dialogue event in Malta

By the end of the century of 10m people only 4 per cent will be European, so this is the moment to unite, not the moment to go back to smaller groups

Jean Claude Juncker

He said: “When addressing the young public in 2019 I will tell them I am not a candidate for the next mandate so it will be a relief for some

“Yes, after all this decades of common history young people are right when they are expecting that this journey will continue

“Their parents had huge benefits from the EU and the next coming generations even more - everything is changing every day.

“The continent will remain the smallest on the planet - everyone knows it.

“By the end of the century of 10m people only 4 per cent will be European, so this is the moment to unite, not the moment to go back to smaller groups.”

On the panel at the event is European Council President Jean-Claude Juncker, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Commissioner Karmenu Vella.

Mr Muscat said the day was “bitter, bitter” rather than “bitter, sweet” as the British referendum vote was pout into action from London.

Mr Juncker also said he is prepared to lean on the Americans if they back out of joint plans.

He said: “We have seen yesterday President Trump was withdrawing the US signature from the Paris agreement 

“This is a disaster, this is leading to global disasters.

“We have to play a role in advocating the need to stick to the objectives we agree on 

“We will insist when talking to our US partners on this very heavily.”

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