Francois Fillon in hot water AGAIN after he failed to declare €50,000 loan from pal

TROUBLED French presidential hopeful Francois Fillon received a secret undeclared €50,000 loan from a billionaire friend in 2013, a report claims.

Francois Fillon and Marc Ladreit de LacharriereGetty

Francois Fillon received a secret undeclared €50,000 loan from Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere

Mr Fillon could be in hot water again after he failed to report the loan to a committee responsible for transparency among people in public life, according to Le Canard Enchaine newspaper.

And the move could finally sink his run to become president, after Le Canard Enchaine's stunning revelation that he allegedly paid his wife and children thousands of euros for jobs they did not complete.

Mr Fillon, whose presidential campaign has been marred with problems, got the secret loan from his pal Marc Ladreit de Lacharriere.

Mr de Lacharriere, chief executive of Fimalac, a financial services holding company, also owns the literary magazine, La Revue des Deux Mondes.

And while Mr de Lacharriere’s lawyer, Emmanuel Brochure, confirmed that his client did indeed give the politician the loan he added that “It was a non-event.”

Meanwhile, Mr Fillon’s lawyer, Antonin Levy, also defended his client saying that the loan has been paid off in full.

However, it comes as Mr Fillon announced last Wednesday that he is set to be placed under formal investigation by authorities.

Judges summoned him to press charges later this month, but he reacted with a speech attacking the justice system and the media.

Members of Mr Fillon's own party have publicly called for him to be replaced by former prime minister Alain Juppe following the “fake jobs” scandal. Over 300 of them angrily walked out of his fiery speech.

Francois FillonGetty

Troubled French presidential hopeful Francois Fillon is swimming in scandal and under investigation

French police have now turned their attention towards Mr Fillon’s consultancy firm,  2F Conseil, which he created in 2012, after he stepped down as prime minister.

Their investigation centres around money generated from the firm - which paid him hundreds of thousands of euros.

But his British-born wife, Penelope Fillon fought back, breaking her silence in an interview on March 5.

She defended herself during the interview with Le Journal du Dimanche over the allegations that she received a large tax-payer funded salary – between €6,900 and €7,900 a month before tax – for a "non-existent" job as her husband’s parliamentary assistant.

Francois and Penelope FillonGetty

Mr Fillon is embroiled in a scandal over allegations about a fake job for his wife Penelope

Mrs Fillon, did the interview to “put an end to the rumours”, adding that she had been her husband’s official “notetaker” and had helped him “write and proofread” his speeches.

The scandal has, however, dented Mr Fillon’s poll numbers - as the calls for him to step down grow louder. But he refuses.

A recent Ifop poll puts Front National leader Marine Le Pen as the favourite with 27 per cent, Emmanuel Macron second with 24.5 per cent. And Fillon languishing in third place with just 20 per cent.

OUTRAGE as Francois Fillon makes autism remarks in interview

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