RUSSIA THREAT: Putin warns Russia is 'STRONGER' after modernising nuclear missiles

VLADIMIR Putin today warned that Russia is “stronger than any potential aggressor” after modernising its nuclear missiles and other forces.

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Vladimir Putin spoke at his annual press conference in Moscow, Russia

The Russian president said that while he wanted a constructive relationship with US President Elect Donald Trump, a nuclear build-up was to be expected. 

And in a chilling warning, he said the US withdrawal in 2001 from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty had “created the conditions for a new nuclear arms race”. 

The US-Soviet ABM Treaty was signed in 1972. 

Mr Putin’s comments came at his much-anticipated annual press conference.

He said: “It’s no secret we’ve worked hard to improve our missile forces."

After the US pulled out of the ABM Treaty, he said, “we have had to modernise our offensive systems”.

But he claimed: “If anyone is unleashing an arms race it’s not us. We will never spend resources on an arms race that we can’t afford.”

Mr Putin dismissed President Barack Obama administration’s allegations about a Russian hand in the hacking of Democratic Party computers during the campaign.

“I’ve said before that the losing side is looking for people to blame outside. They would do better to look for the problems among themselves.” 

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He told press that he wanted to build a constructive relationship with US elect Donald Trump

I’ve said before that the losing side is looking for people to blame outside. They would do better to look for the problems among themselves.

Vladimir Putin

He also highlighted that the Democrats had lost ground in congressional elections as well. 

He asked: “So that’s my work too?” 

He also questioned the democratic process in America.

Mr Putin said: “Yes, there are democratic problems. We have raised them with our US partners more than once. 

“It is in the archaic nature of the US system,” he added referring to the electoral college. 

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Putin added that the archaic nature of the US system, referring to the electoral college

“So some states have preferences? Why do they still have that today...well that is a question for the American people.”

But he added that America was a great nation. 

Mr Trump has promised closer relations between the US and Russia once he is sworn into office in January.

The two men are known to have a much closer relationship than the Russian leader shares with President Obama.

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Vladimir concluded that he thought America was a great nation

Mr Putin’s marathon question and answer sessions are a rare chance for foreign and domestic media to question him directly on anything from foreign policy and his various wars to bread-and-butter economic issues. 

Originally scheduled for Thursday, the Kremlin postponed the event for one day to allow Mr Putin to attend the funeral of Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador who was murdered in Turkey on Monday.

Putin unimpressed by state Japanese judo demonstration

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